SUSTAIN-EU/European Sustainability Expert - Driving green growth through new skills deployment
The ERASMUS+ project “Sustain EU - European Sustainability Expert - Driving green growth through new skills deployment” is an international vocational education and training project that focuses on employability and how to deal with changing work environments and career paths, while developing and evaluating support services for individuals based ...
Duration: 09/2024 - 08/2027
Funded by: EU
Guilt and Atonement? – Remembrance Policies and Societal Change in Polis Traditions of Late Archaic and Classical Greece
This project focuses on the Greek historiography of the late Archaic and Classical period and the specific methods the ancient authors developed to assign to or dismiss guilt from specific individuals or groups regarding certain societal changes as well as the underlying rembrance policies. Firstly, the works of Herodotus, Thukydides and Xenophon ...
Duration: 09/2024 - 08/2027
Interactive Digital Scores in the Music Theatre
Digital sheet music, "score viewer apps", are an underestimated innovation of the digital transformation in the working world of many musicians and small ensembles. An innovation that cannot, however, be easily transferred to larger concert, opera and theater houses around the world with their more complex workflows. We want to scientifically ...
Duration: 08/2024 - 01/2026
Funded by: BMBF
Unsere Ernährungsumgebungen sind häufig so beschaffen, dass es Menschen unnötig erschwert wird, sich gut zu ernähren. Insbesondere Kinder und Jugendliche stehen im Alltag vor Herausforderungen, wenn es um die Aspekte der gesunden und nachhaltigen Ernährung geht. Damit für Kinder und Jugendliche im Alltag die gesunde und nachhaltige Wahl erleichtert ...
Duration: 08/2024 - 07/2027
Funded by: MWIKE NRW
GameUp - Gamification-basierte Vermittlung von IT-Sicherheitskompetenzen und Unterstützung in Echtzeit bei Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Privatheit durch Einsatz eines Chatbots
The Game-UP project focuses on the development, implementation and evaluation of a Game-UP chatbot to provide real-time IT security assistance combined with gamification elements and micro-learning units in the sense of small learning units.The project has a duration of 36 months and is funded by the BMBF.Partners:- snoopmedia GmbH ...
Duration: 08/2024 - 07/2027
Funded by: BMBF
Equal Opportunity Grant 2024
Our project aims to advance the field of quantum error correction by exploring the construction of quantum error correcting codes and developing a general framework for their application in quantum computers and communications. By leveraging multipartite highly entangled states, which are fundamental to constructing holographic codes, we seek to ...
Duration: 07/2024 - 07/2025
The AI-literate Researcher? Cross-Disciplinary Conceptualizations of AI Literacy in Research
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ubiquitous and has been integrated into almost all areas of life. More than ever before, AI is becoming a new paradigm in research. For instance, in data analysis, AI can discover new patterns, predict phenomena, and propose novel solutions to complex problems. Moreover, Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT ...
Duration: 07/2024 - 09/2025
Contact: Stephan Drechsler, M.A., Prof. Dr. Christian Harteis
Site Specific Sculpture – Room creates Art
June 29 to July 14: Site Specific Sculpture – Room creates Art. Students of Paderborn University present site-specific sculptures in and in relation to Raum für Kunst.
Duration: 06/2024 - 07/2024
Funded by: Kulturamt der Stadt Paderborn
Cultural Conservatism, Intellectual Aristocracy, Resentment: Critical Perspectives on Literary Intellectual Discourses since 1918 and their Current Relevance
The interdisciplinary and international conference aims to take a closer look at the topicality and explosive nature of cultural and right-wing conservative intellectual discourses since 1918 in their historical genesis and their interconnectedness. In a diachronic and synchronic perspective, continuities, but also ambivalences and contradictions ...
Duration: 06/2024 - 06/2024
Funded by: Zeit-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius
Optimal experimental design and modeling for parameter identification for inhomogeneous problems
The reliable prediction of numerical simulations requires not only physically based mathematical modeling but also determination of the associated model constants based on experimental data. However, deficiencies of experimental data as well as model deficiency may have an impact on the stability of the identified parameters. This application is ...
Duration: 06/2024 - 05/2026
Funded by: DFG