952 projects were found

Evaluation DigitalPakt Schule

Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2026

Funded by: BMBF, KMK

Analyse und Bewertung der Auswirkungen von Eigenspannungen auf den Schädigungsverlauf in intrinsisch gefertigten Kunststoff-Metall-Schichtverbunden unter statischer und zyklischer Last

In dem Projekt „Eigenspannung II“ sollen die Wirkungen der fertigungsbedingten Eigenspannungen auf das Bauteilverhalten unter mechanischer Beanspruchung untersucht werden. Der Schwerpunkt soll dabei auf der Analyse des Schädigungsverlaufs unter statischer und schwingender Beanspruchung liegen. Dabei sollen grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen ...

Duration: 01/2023 - 06/2025

Funded by: DFG

Contact: Hayrettin Irmak

MADE3D – Multi-Material Design in 3D Printing

Additive manufacturing (AM) has the economic potential to complement conventional manufacturing processes, especially in the production of complex, multi-material (MM) components. To exploit the full benefits of optimized lightweight structures, it is usually required to use multi-materials with different physical properties. Still, multi-material ...

Duration: 01/2023 - 06/2026

Funded by: EU

FEWL - Enhancing Research on the Integration of Formal Education Programmes and Workplace Learning

The project aims to enhance scientific excellence and research potential in the field of research on integrating formal education and workplace learning (WPL) for students in basic and secondary schools. Facilitating multifaceted capacity building at the School of Educational Sciences (SES) at Tallinn University (TLU) in this field will be achieved ...

Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2025

Funded by: EU

Planet Ocean. A History of the Sea in the Anthropocene

Conceived as a history of the global present, the project asks about the effects of human actions and uses on the marine environment and, on the other hand, shows how the sea shaped politics, economy and society. The concept includes four sub-projects: A textbook "Planet Ocean. History of the Sea in the Anthropocene" as well as papers on the ...

Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2028

Change Your Perspective: It's Just Dyscalculia

Das ERASMUS+ Projekt 'Change your perspective: It's just dyscalculia' ist im Bereich Schulbildung angesiedelt. Es fokussiert die Entwicklung, Erprobung und Evaluation eines Lehrplans sowie von Präsenz- und Online-Kursen zum Umgang mit Dyskalkulie. Dyskalkulie ist eine ausgeprägte Beeinträchtigung des mathematischen Denkens bzw. der ...

Duration: 12/2022 - 12/2024

Funded by: EU

Learn STEM - Innovative Model of learning STEM in secondary schools

Das ERASMUS+ Projekt Learn STEM - Innovative Model of learning STEM in secondary schools konzentriert sich auf die Gestaltung, Erprobung und Evaluation eines innovativen Ansatzes für die Vermittlung von STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics – in Deutschland MINT: Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik).

Duration: 12/2022 - 12/2024

Funded by: EU

Reliable Green - Remote work, telework and learning with innovative and accessible educational resources for businesses and labor markets in Europeans Green Economy

Das ERASMUS+ Projekt Reliable Green Remote work, telework and learning with innovative and accessible educational resources for businesse and labor markets in Europeans Green Economy beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung, Erprobung und Evaluation von Lösungen für Heimarbeit und Arbeiten über digitale Wege in europäischen Kontexten nachhaltiger und ...

Duration: 12/2022 - 12/2024

Funded by: EU

iQBuddy - Intelligent model recommendation system

In view of current developments in the field of digitalization and sustainability, new and demanding challenges arise for the development of Intelligent Technical Systems (ITS). The shift towards a more digitized and sustainable world leads to changing boundary conditions and stakeholders. These shifts necessitate increased interdisciplinary ...

Duration: 12/2022 - 10/2023

Funded by: it’s OWL

Denominational sensitivity to differences in the school subject ‚Religionsunterricht für alle' (RUfa) in Hamburg. Empirical studies on professional and teaching research

Religious education in public schools is increasingly confronted with social conditions in which it no longer encounters a denominationally and religiously homogeneous, but rather a secular and religiously pluralistic student body. New models of religious education are therefore being designed and tested; one of these is the so-called ...

Duration: 12/2022 - 11/2025

Funded by: Erzbistum Hamburg