Bundesweite Festivalstudie
Das Forschungszentrum „C:POP. Transdisciplinary Research Center for Popular Music Cultures and Creative Economies“ der Universität Paderborn zieht sich als wissenschaftlicher Vertragspartner aus der Festivalstudie der Initiative Musik (mit der Bundesstiftung LiveKultur und dem Deutschen Musikinformationszentrum) zurück. Die bisher geleisteten ...
Duration: 11/2023 - 08/2024
Funded by: BKM
Promoting Data Science Education for Teacher Education at the University level (DataSETUP)
Data literate citizen are inevitably for a vibrant democracy. Therefore the main focus of the DataSETUP project is to promote Data Science literacy in schools by enhancing the professional knowledge of student teachers in the field of Data Science Education. To achieve this objective, the project aims to draw attention towards the integration of ...
Duration: 11/2023 - 10/2026
Funded by: ERASMUS+ Programm, Hochschulbildung
L:IKE - Intangible cultural heritage learning workshop for school education in NRW
On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Chair for Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage is researching how intangible cultural heritage can be taught, discussed and reflected on from different subject perspectives in school lessons.In dialogue with the Ministry of Schools and ...
Duration: 11/2023 - 12/2025
Funded by: MKW NRW
Contact: Jonas Leineweber
Interuniversitäre Forschungsinitiative (De)Institutionalisierung von Bildung und Erziehung
Bildung und Erziehung vollziehen sich in Gegenwartsgesellschaften von der frühen Kindheit bis zum Erwachsenenalter in institutionalisierten Zusammenhängen und als institutionalisierte Praxis. Die entsprechenden Prozesse werden bisher vorrangig mit einem Verständnis von pädagogischen Institutionen ‚als Orte‘ analysiert oder nur auf einzelne Aspekte, ...
Duration: 11/2023 - 01/2028
TRR 318 - Subproject IRG PB - Developing a symmetric mental models approach
Duration: 11/2023 - 10/2026
Die theoretische Unmöglichkeitserklärung der Literaturgeschichte im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert wurde (und wird) begleitet von einem grundlegenden Zweifel an der Sinnhaftigkeit eines Literaturkanons. Aus dieser Entwicklung resultiert bis heute der prekäre Status, der Literaturgeschichte im germanistischen Studium zukommt. Dem entgegen steht der ...
Duration: 11/2023 - 11/2023
Funded by: BMBF, Körber-Stiftung
World War Two and its (un-)profitability
The project focuses on historical narratives as they are depicted on YouTube. YouTube is a so-called attention-economy as its core asset is the attention of its audience, which they in turn sell to advertisers. This project aims to shed light on the production conditions and setting, how the necessity for selling a (historical) product shapes these ...
Duration: 11/2023 - 10/2026
Equal Opportunity Grant 2023
Our project focuses on investigating the generation of quantum subgraphs within a network of N qudits, where each qudit is a quantum system with q levels. By exploring the intricate relationships and entanglements between these qudits, we aim to advance the field of quantum information processing. This research will provide valuable insights into ...
Duration: 10/2023 - 09/2024
Heranführung der Generation Z an die Denkweise in der Quantenphysik (HedwiQ) (3101000121)
Duration: 10/2023 - 09/2026
Funded by: BMBF, Atrineo AG
What shapes cognition, health and mortality in older ages
Cognitive abilities decline with age. This decline has considerable implications for human interactions, economic choices, and the quality of life. Cognitive abilities are also closely related to health, with a smooth transition from age-related general cognitive decline to cognition-related illness. Dementia, as an example of a cognitive decline ...
Duration: 10/2023 - 09/2026
Funded by: DFG