Good re­search prac­tice

The freedom of science, research and teaching, which is enshrined in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (GG), is one of the fundamental rights of our society. Only through this constitutionally guaranteed freedom is it possible to gain genuine knowledge, the driving force behind all scientific and research endeavours. Inherent in this privilege is the requirement for integrity and credibility – the values on which the trust that society places in science and research is built.

In order to warrant, maintain and foster this trust, Paderborn University is particularly committed to safeguarding good research practice.

To this end, as a framework, Paderborn University established its “Guidelines and Procedures for Safeguarding Good Research Practice at Paderborn University” in September 2021. This document provides an overview of the basics of research integrity and sets out the procedures for safeguarding good research practice at our university.

Contact person

Your first point of contact for all questions regarding good research practice.



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Standing Committee for Safeguarding Good Research Practice

The standing committee pursues the continuous development of the standards and recommendations for good research practice and investigates allegations of research misconduct in accordance with the corresponding procedure

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