Shap­ing your stud­ies

A degree programme is more than just the acquisition of knowledge. It is a journey on which you can shape your own educational path according to your own ideas. No one is left to their own devices. Our wide range of support services are on hand to help everyone make the most of their studies.


Studierende im Seminarraum.

Study start

When do the preliminary courses take place? Which courses do I need to take? What contact points and support services are available?


We provide information on re-registration, leave of absence, health insurance, exmatriculation, fees and contributions.

Dates & dead­lines

We help you never miss a deadline again. Regardless of whether it's an application deadline for a change of subject, an overview of the lecture periods or the registration and cancellation deadlines for courses and examinations.

PAUL - Cam­pus man­age­ment sys­tem

Students can use PAUL to register and deregister for courses and examinations, view their achievements, submit applications and apply for another subject area or the Master's programme.

Lernen in der Bibliothek.


The Central Examination Office (ZPS) provides support with all examination-related questions relating to the degree programme. It provides information on examination deadlines and dates or on changes to the examination regulations. Admissions, registrations and withdrawals from examinations are processed and transcripts of records and certificates are issued.

Zentrale Studienberatung und International Office.

Ex­am­in­a­tion reg­u­la­tions, con­tact points

Search for your degree programme on the page Study programmes A-Z. On the right-hand side of the screen you will find the examination regulations or the module catalogue. At the bottom of the page for your degree programme you will find the section "The right contact point for every concern". Here you can find the right contact person for your enquiry.

An­erken­nung von Leis­tun­gen

Wenn du deinen Studiengang/Fach wechseln willst oder von einer anderen Hochschule zu uns kommst, kannst du dir bereits erbrachte Leistungen an der Uni Paderborn anerkennen lassen. Das spart Zeit und eröffnet neue Chancen. Informiere dich über die Richtlinien und Verfahren, um deine Studienzeit effizient zu gestalten.

Ausblick aus dem Flugzeug.

Stays abroad

Stays abroad not only broaden and deepen professional, cultural and linguistic knowledge - they offer new perspectives and points of view and are an unforgettable personal experience! Internships or studying abroad are possible. In any case, it is important to inform yourself in good time!

Treppen vor dem Q-Gebäude.

Mas­ter's pro­gramme

In addition to Bachelor's degree programmes, we also offer a variety of interdisciplinary Master's degree programmes. Regardless of whether you have already completed your Bachelor's degree with us or come from another university.

Mit Bee­in­träch­ti­gung stud­ier­en

Wir unterstützen dich bei deinen gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen, chronischen Erkrankungen oder Behinderungen, damit du selbstbestimmt am Studium teilnehmen kannst. Informiere dich über Nachteilsausgleiche, nimm an verschiedenen Veranstaltungen teil, treffe Gleichgesinnte oder lass dich von der Servicestelle beraten.

Studierender am Laptop

Ohne Hoch­schuler­fahrung in der Fam­ilie stud­ier­en

Du bist die erste Person in deiner Familie, die studieren möchte? Bei uns findest du Unterstützung für deinen Weg: von Tipps für den Studienstart über Infos zur Finanzierung bis hin zu Beratungsangeboten.


Our university sees itself as a place where every student is catered for. We place particular emphasis on individualised learning and offer a wide range of learning spaces and resources. Because different types of learners need different approaches. Here, everyone can discover and develop their own way of learning, be it in specialised learning centres, in our library, in the Centre for Language Teaching or in many other places and support options.

No news available.

Cam­pus & Life

Our campus is the ideal place to start your academic journey. Because our commitment does not end with the choice of the right degree programme. We provide support in all fields of study. In addition to providing information about accommodation near the campus and various funding options, we help you find the right path. In this way, our campus creates the best conditions for a successful degree programme and an enriching student life.

Wohnheim des Studierendenwerks.


Geld zwischen Büchern.

Stu­dent fin­an­cing

Burger und Pommes in der Mensa der Universität Paderborn.


Campus der Universität Paderborn.

Cam­pus map

Streckennetz des Semestertickets.

Semester tick­et

Graffiti, viewed on a tablet.

Me­dia & Tech­no­logy

Drucker in der Bibliothek.

Print­ing, scan­ning & copy­ing

Studierende am Brunnen im Innenhof.

Men­tale Ge­sund­heit


Cul­ture, sport and leis­ure

Bi­cycle work­shop

Paderborn von oben.

Liv­ing in Pader­born

Campusführung der Universität Paderborn.

Stu­dent am­bas­sad­ors wanted!

The Central Student Advisory Service is looking for students to support our programmes as study ambassadors. Student ambassadors conduct campus tours for groups or give prospective students an insight into campus life as a student.

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Prac­tic­al ex­per­i­ence & ca­reer entry

We actively encourage and support our students in gaining valuable practical experience during their studies and help them on their way into the professional world. There are a variety of options, such as finding internships, exploring opportunities for part-time jobs during their studies, accessing our Career Service, preparing for a possible business start-up or planning the path to a doctorate.

Coun­selling & sup­port ser­vices

Whether you have questions about organising your studies, personal challenges or career prospects - our wide range of advisory services will help you along the way and leave no question unanswered. The General Students' Committee(AStA) also offers further counselling services.


Central Student Counselling Service

We support prospective students in choosing a degree programme and in making their study decision. We also advise students in all phases of their studies, especially in phases of reorientation.

Central Student Counselli

International Office

We provide information about the possibilities of a stay abroad during your studies and know where you can find which information (application deadlines and procedures, internships, scholarships). We also support international students in the application process.

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Academic advisors

We provide advice on all subject-related questions and help with credit transfers. Search for the degree programme in the course offerings and then go to Contact. Here you will find the relevant contact options under "The right point of contact for every enquiry" under "Subject-related questions"/ "Credit transfer".

Study programme A - Z

PLAZ - Professional School of Education

We advise on all aspects of teacher training programmes....

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Study doubts & dropping out

We offer support in reflecting on the difficulties, determining the current situation and reorientation.

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Service Centre for Students with Disabilities (SmB)

We advise and support students with disabilities or chronic illnesses in obtaining equal opportunities in their studies by helping them, for example, to apply for compensation for disadvantages or the needs-based implementation of stays abroad and internships.



We advise and support you with questions and concerns regarding the compatibility of studying and caring for relatives or children.

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Psychosocial counselling (PSB)

We offer counselling and support for study-related and personal problems.

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