Working during your studies

Studying costs money! Not all students can be financially supported by their parents and often this support is not enough. 63% of students have to work both during the semester break and during the semester (see 22nd Social Survey of the Deutsches Studentenwerk 2021). If you would also like to earn some extra money, the following Paderborn University platforms can help you find a job:
Have you already thought about how much money you need? How high are your monthly expenses? To get realistic figures, get an overview of the average costs of your studies. When choosing a job, consider what kind of additional income (e.g. short-term employment during the lecture-free period, ongoing part-time employment during the entire period of study, etc.) makes sense for you and can be realised in everyday student life. Don't forget that you may need work-free (study) periods for internships and exams during your studies. The German Student Union has compiled an overview of the various employment opportunities for students, which may help you make your decision.
Note on health insurance: all students, regardless of the type of work they do, must have statutory or private health insurance. The following applies: up to the age of 25, students are insured free of charge under family insurance (but may also be insured for longer, e.g. via a working spouse). As a rule, contributions must be paid into student health insurance from the age of 25 (up to the age of 30 or up to the 14th semester); an extension may be possible. Please contact your health insurance provider for information on the monthly costs of student health insurance.
Contact us
Are all your questions still unanswered? Then the Central Student Advisory Service will be happy to provide you with further information: