Con­nec­tions Lead to Solu­tions

Reflecting, Innovating, and Shaping Together

For us, transfer means: setting innovations in motion with the help of visionary ideas, intensive exchange, and the will to create. Therefore, we advocate for the transfer of knowledge and technologies, as well as discoveries across the university, the economy, politics, society, and culture.

We work closely with a variety of local and international partners to find and develop solutions for current and future challenges. In this way, countless cooperations and spin-offs originating from our university make knowledge applicable in the long term.

„Participatory transfer at Paderborn University makes our research and teaching knowledge accessible, practically applicable to different societal spheres, and sustainably effective beyond our campus.”

Vice President for Technology Transfer at Paderborn University René Fahr stands in front of blurry trees in the background.
Prof. Dr. René Fahr,
Vice-president for knowledge and technology transfer

Di­men­sions of our co­oper­a­tion

Due to our broad range of subjects from computer science, arts and humanities, social sciences, economics, natural sciences and engineering, we experience transfer in a variety of ways.

[Translate to English:] Gemeinsam reflektieren

Re­flect­ing To­geth­er

Podcasts, workshops, panel discussions and more: Within our university as well as outside of it, we encourage regular exchange.

A female scientist and a male scientist from Paderborn University work together on a machine.

In­nov­at­ing To­geth­er

As a pioneer of innovation, Paderborn University creates space for innovation and facilitates the rapid transfer between academia and real-life practice in cooperation with numerous partners.

[Translate to English:] Gemeinsam gestalten

Cre­at­ing To­geth­er

Taking responsibility and providing important input – we want to play an active and sustainable role in shaping our community. This is why Paderborn University and its members are involved in various committees, networks, and cooperations.

Our Trans­fer Loc­a­tions

We create space for discourse at our university, countless transfer locations pave the way for different avenues of exchange and cooperation. Ostwestfalen-Lippe (East Westphalia-Lippe) is one of Germany's strongest economic regions, accommodating high-performance academic institutions. Therefore, Paderborn, with its lively start-up scene, is the ideal home for our transfer locations.


Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems

At the Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems (ILH), the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Natural Sciences pool their expertise and exploit synergies in terms of expertise and infrastructure to develop lightweight yet robust components and structures.

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Lab for Movement, Play, and Sports

The Lab for Movement, Play, and Sports (besslab) is characterized by a participatory transfer of knowledge for the systematic and well-founded promotion of movement, play and sport in the everyday life of children and adolescents in school and non-school settings.

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Institute of Nutrition, Consuption and Health

The inter- and transdisciplinary research at the Institute for Nutrition, Consumption and Health focuses on the importance of nutrition as part of prevention and health promotion, daily lifestyles, and the circumstances of families as well as on education regarding personal lifestyles and social participation.

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Center for Optoelectronics & Photonics Paderborn

The Center for Optoelectronics & Photonics Paderborn (CeOPP) focuses on interdisciplinary research in the field of optoelectronic devices and optical technologies ranging from basic principles to practical applications.

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Heinz Nixdorf Institut

At the Heinz Nixdorf Institute, researchers design concepts for intelligent technical systems that are adaptable, robust, user-friendly, and proactive.

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Institute for Industrial Mathemantics

Together with its partners from industry, especially from SMEs, the Institute of Industrial Mathematics identifies mathematical problems and develops efficient solution methods.

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Competence Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology

At the Competence Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology, the centre is geared towards institutional and industrial users and offers wide and comprehensive cooperation opportunities through consulting, development, simulation, and application in the area of modern, sustainable energy technology.

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The overarching goal of the KreativInstitut.OWL is to strengthen the sustainability of media, cultural, and creative industries by combining the creative skills and IT competences of the three participating higher education institution types.

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Laboratory for Material and Joining Technology

The Laboratory for Materials and Joining Technology is a nationally and internationally connected and recognised research institution in the automotive industry. It focuses on fundamental and applied research in the field of intelligent materials and joining technology.

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Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems

At the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS), founded in 2018, Paderborn University combines interdisciplinary competencies for holistic research in the field of quantum photonics.

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PLAZ – Professional School of Education

The PLAZ – Professional School of Education defines itself as a research and development agency that links relevant institutions in the field of school and teacher education. In doing so, the centre strives for high-quality teacher education as well as a collaborative transfer of knowledge.

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Technology Transfer and Start-Up Center at Paderborn University

The Technology Transfer and Start-Up Center at Paderborn University (TecUP) empirically researches start-up funding and success. Thus, potential founders from academia receive evidence-based support throughout the entire start-up process.

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Competence Center for Music, Edition, Media

The Centre Music – Edition – Media (ZenMEM) supports internal, national and international (collaborative) projects in the field of digital musicology through consultancy, project management, development of software and services and hosting of research environments and results.

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Center of Gender Studies

The Center for Gender Studies not only conducts research on socially relevant questions on gender aspects, but also shapes society by promoting their research findings and scientific methods in their Masters programme “Culture and Society” as well as their certificate study programme.

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SICP – Software Innovation Campus Paderborn

The SICP – Software Innovation Campus Paderborn is an interdisciplinary research and innovation network in which companies and science jointly research and implement digital innovations.

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Logo of the Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems of Paderborn University
Logo of the movement, play and sports laboratory (besslab) of Paderborn University
Logo of the Institute of Nutrition, Consumption and Health of Paderborn University
Logo of the Center for Optoelectronics and Photonics of Paderborn University (CeOPP)
Logo of the Heinz Nixdorf Instituts of Paderborn University
Logo of the Institute for Industrial Mathematics of Paderborn University
Logo of the Competence Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology of Paderborn University
Logo of the KreativInstitut.OWL
Logo of the Laboratory for material and joining technology of Paderborn University
Logo of the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems of Paderborn University
[Translate to English:]
Logo of TecUP (Technology transfer and start-up center of Paderborn University)
[Translate to English:]
Logo of the Center of Gender Studies
Logo of SICP – Software Innovation Campus Paderborn

Strong to­geth­er for the fu­ture: Our al­li­ances and part­ner­ships

In close cooperation and in association with other research institutions, companies and municipalities, we tackle current challenges and forge forward-looking solutions. Get to know our partners:

Trans­fer Pro­jects

Our transfer projects are multifaceted. Learn more about our knowledge and technology transfer through a selected range of our diverse projects.

Logo of the project SAIL (SustAInable Life-cycle of Intelligent Socio-Technical Systems)


SustAInable Life-cycle of Intelligent Socio-Technical Systems

A scientist from Paderborn University holds up a large poster of a graphite while another scientist shows something on it.


Graffiti Information System in Germany

Logo of the DigHomE project (Digital Home Learning Environment: Conditions for Success in Parental Support for Information-Oriented Internet Use)


Digital Home Learning Environment – Conditions for the success of parental support in the information-oriented use of the Internet

In two hands a small plant grows from earth. In the background blurred the green campus of Paderborn University.

Cli­mate bOWL

Climate neutral Business in Ostwestfalen-Lippe

Logo of the project BPM-I4.0 (Process Mining for the analysis and prescription of industrial core processes)


Process mining for the analysis and prescription of core industrial processes

A windmill in front of blue sunny sky.


Training, validation and benchmarking tools for the development of data-driven operation and control methods for smart local energy systems

Current Events

24.03.2025 - 25.03.2025

An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the Ger­man So­ci­ety for Health Eco­nom­ics (dg­gö)

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17.03.2025 - 19.03.2025

Sus­tain­able - Di­git­al - Equit­able. Fu­ture scen­ari­os of work, edu­ca­tion and ca­reers: 23rd Uni­ver­sity Days "Vo­ca­tion­al Edu­ca­tion" 2025

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Lunch ex­change on a suc­cess­ful doc­tor­al phase for doc­tor­al can­did­ates

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10.02.2025 - 10.02.2025

Com­par­at­ive teach­ing ap­proaches to oth­er re­li­gions - work­shops with Dr Monika Tautz

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"Junges Konzer­tkollekt­iv" from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity and Det­mold Uni­ver­sity of Mu­sic or­gan­ises con­cert series

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More events

Re­fer­ral of Ex­perts

From the initial idea to a successful innovation:
we will be happy to support you on this journey.

We advise, connect and accompany interested individuals from a variety of fields who would like to collaborate with Paderborn University. There are many possibilities for cooperation. We will gladly help you find a suitable expert.

Get in touch with us:
Dr. Alena Diedrich, E-Mail: alena.diedrich(at)upb(dot)de

Strategy and Concept

Paderborn University understands transfer as a participatory process of exchange. Our vision is described in our transfer strategy: as an intersection between science, business, society, politics, and culture, we offer and promote numerous opportunities for interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary cooperation – both within our University and beyond. Therefore, we make our knowledge, research findings, and technologies available to a variety of fields in order to work towards making our university an even stronger place for encounters and discourse.

In Paderborn we live transfer in many different ways: in the shape of spin-offs from our University, cooperation with companies, scientific institutions or other external partners, political advice, networking, patenting, panel discussions, conventions, and much more.

Demographic change, resource scarcity, and the energy crisis pose major challenges for our society. Paderborn University wants to make a sustainable contribution to the rapid development and successful implementation of solutions to pressing issues. We want to actively shape the future in cooperation with partners from business, culture, society, and politics.

Members of our university community are constantly making new discoveries, which we want to share. This is why we strive for the multifaceted transfer of knowledge. It is our concern to communicate and discuss our research results broadly and to support reflective decision-making through our expertise. In this way, we strive to pass on a free, democratic, social, and peaceful world to future generations.
Through the rapid exploitation of know-how and inventions, we also promote efficient technology transfer. In this way, we can set the course for pioneering products and services that can be put to use within a short space of time.
In addition, we want to offer more space for future-oriented ideas with our start-up-oriented transfer, in order to pave a successful path for sustainable innovations for start-ups.

At the same time, transfer also means addressing socially or economically relevant challenges in our discussions, research, and projects. Thus, we are working at the cutting edge of innovation with numerous partners.

It is our goal

  • to establish transfer as an innate component of our university practice.
  • Promote start-up activities as an important boost for the region.
  • Expand cooperation with different interest groups.
  • To strengthen Paderborn University as a force at the heart of society.

Points of Contact

The Transfer Team at Paderborn University is the central point of contact for all questions and suggestions regarding our knowledge and technology transfer.