Academic Mission Statement of the University of Paderborn
As the “university for the information society”, the University of Paderborn wants its academic programs to contribute to the formation of self-aware, confident, responsible, and enlightened members of a society that is rapidly changing, both socially and technologically. Graduates from the University of Paderborn should be capable of positioning themselves competently and independently in a modern, information-based society, and of acting responsibly and in an enlightened manner. The university takes the educational mandate of the university system seriously, and is aimed at promoting the development of a modern, humanistic, socially just, and democratic society. The university stands behind an open, tolerant academic atmosphere, which is oriented towards active participation in the community and in wider society.

Vizepräsident für Lehre, Studium und Qualitätsmanagement
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Schöppner
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn