Committee for Research and Junior Academics

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Re­search Day on 26 Novem­ber 2024

Our annual Research Day is directed to all Paderborn academics and serves as a platform for networking and communication within the university.

The Research Day 2024 will take place on 26 November from 2 - 5 pm in room Q.0101.


                                                                                --> find out more

Internal Research Funding at Paderborn University

Welcome to the website of the Committee for Research and Junior Academics! The committee is a standing committee, elected by the Senate pursuant to § 17, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution and § 22 of the Rules of Procedure of the Senate, to advice the Senate and the Executive Board on issues in research and regarding junior scientists and academics at Paderborn University. It supports the research activities of our academics with internal funding programmes.

On these pages you will find information about the Committee in general (members, tasks, objectives, dates, etc.) and the various internal research funding programmes supported by the Committee.

All faculties and status groups are represented in the Committee. Together with the Executive Board and the Senate, the committee pursues the expansion and strategic direction of research as well as the targeted funding of junior scientists and academics. The committee is chaired by the Vice President for Research and Junior Academics.



The Committee for Research and Junior Academics drafts recommendations for the Executive Board:

  • on participation in coordinated programmes, especially those of the German Research Foundation (DFG),
  • on start-up funding for new, usually interdisciplinary research projects,
  • on awarding the research prize,
  • on supporting research projects at Paderborner Wissenschaftskolleg
  • on reporting in the context of leave of absence and medical leave pursuant to § 40 (1) Higher Education Act,
  • to establish Central Scientific Institutions

The Committee for Research and Junior Academics provides financial resources for the internal research funding of:

  • doctoral grants
  • gender research doctoral grants
  • postdoc grants for women junior scientists and academics
  • awards for excellent dissertations
  • new research projects and junior scientists and academics in the faculties
  • scientific conferences and PhD workshops with respect to organisation and realisation


Funding guidelines

The specific regulations for the individual funding programmes are available in the respective funding award guidelines (see funding programmes above).


6 professorial representatives:
Prof. Dr. Eva Böhm, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Eckel, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Prof. Dr. Elke Grimminger-Seidensticker, Faculty of Science
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Heisler, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Prof. Dr. Werner Homberg, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (vice-chair)
Prof. Dr. Balázs Kovács, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics

3 academic staff representatives:
Dr. Alexandra Hartmann, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Jennifer Schneider, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Dr. Oliver Seewald, Faculty of Sciences

1 non-academic staff representative:
Markus Kloidt, Faculty of Science

1 student representative:
N. N.

Regular guest:
Dr. Annika Hegemann, Central Equal Opportunities Officer

The members are elected for a period of office of two years (the student representative for one year).

Further information: Rules of procedure of the Senate

Dates of meet­ings

(on Tuesdays, start of session: 09:00 a.m.)

08 October 2024 12 November 2024 10 December 2024
04 February 2025 11 March 2025 08 April 2025
13 May 2025 10 June 2025 08 July 2025
28 October 2025 18 November 2025 09 December 2025
03 February 2026 03 March 2026 14 April 2026


business-card image

Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer

Paderborn University

Vice President for Research and Junior Academics

Write email +49 5251 60-6651
business-card image

Katharina Patz

European and National Research Funding and Planning, Legal Aspects of Research (SG 2.2)

Head Office Committee for Research and Junior Academics

Write email +49 5251 60-5216