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Aktuelle Publikationen

Teacher's roles and teacher professionalism

Lin-Januszewski L.-W., in: Taiwan Association for the Sociology of Education (TASE) (Ed.), Sociology of education: Theory, experience and implication, Angle, Taiwan, 2023, pp. 205–229.

Put in the time and effort to write rigorous, well-thought-out reviews”: Interview with Greg William Misiaszek, Executive Editor of “Teaching in Higher Education"

L.-W. Lin-Januszewski, Put in the Time and Effort to Write Rigorous, Well-Thought-out Reviews”: Interview with Greg William Misiaszek, Executive Editor of “Teaching in Higher Education", ECHER Blog, 2022.

Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom

hooks bell, in: Mei-hui L. (Ed.), Pro-Ed, Taiwan, 2009, pp. Ch1, 2, 3, 14.

Gender and digital divide in Taiwan: A literature review.

Lin-Januszewski L.-W., Liao Y.-K., Research of Educational Communication and Technology (2006) 39–50.

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Laufende Lehrveranstaltungen

  • Researching Education through Participatory Qualitative Methods - ENTFÄLLT -

Weitere Informationen

Areas of Interest

Sociology of Education; Globalization and Higher Education; International Students Transition; First-Gen Students; Social class and Educational Inequality



  • Selected for a fully-funded presentation at the Research with International Students Conference (11-12 December), Manchester. 
  • Registration Grant of RC Sociology of Education, the 20th ISA World Congress of Sociology.
  • Selected for fully-funded residential writing retreat for mid-career scholars (17-19 April), The Sociological Review Foundation.


  • Honorary member, The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
  • Travel Grant for Starting Sociologists in East Asia, International Sociological Association (ISA).
  • Registration Grant of RC Sociology of Education, the 18th ISA World Congress of Sociology.


  • Graduate Student Travel Award, Division of Social Context of Education, American Educational Research Association (AERA).
  • Travel Grant, China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture, Taiwan.
  • AERA Travel Funds, Department of Education, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).


  • Professional Conference Travel Grant Program, UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies.
  • Travel Grant, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan.
  • ISA Laboratory for Ph.D. Students in Sociology. 
  • Travel Grant for the New Scholars, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES).
  • Travel Grant, Ministry of Education, Taiwan.


  • Professional Conference Travel Grant, UCLA Graduate School of Education.


  • Government Scholarship to Study Abroad (GSSA), Ministry of Education, Taiwan.


  • UCLA Graduate Division Award, Nonres Tuition Grant.                 


  • UCLA GSE&IS, Dean’s Scholar, Lee Memorial Fund Fellowship.
  • UCLA TA Scholarship.


  • Graduate Students Study Abroad Program, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan.

Invited Talks

  • "Social class as a lens for understanding the transition of first-year college students in Germany," Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University, 04/2023, Taiwan. (in Mandarin)
  • "Social class as a lens for understanding the transition of first-year college students in Germany," Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University, 04/2023, Taiwan. (in English)
  • “Globalization and higher education,” Department of Global Politics and Economics, Tamkang University, 03/2023, Taiwan. (in English)
  • “Higher education and hidden curriculum: A visual approach,” Teacher Education Program, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, 03/2021, Taiwan.*Virtual*
  • “School culture and hidden curriculum,” Teacher Education Program, National Chiao Tung University, 03/2020, Taiwan. *Virtual*
  • “School culture and hidden curriculum,” Teacher Education Program, National Chiao Tung University, 03/2019, Taiwan.
  • “Globalization and higher education,” Graduate Institute of Latin American Studies, Tamkang University, 03/2019, Taiwan.
  • “Symbolic interactionism and Facebook,” Teacher Education Program, National Taiwan Normal University, 03/2017, Taiwan.
  • “Sociological paradigm: Symbolic interactionism,” Teacher Education Program, National Taiwan Normal University, 03/2016, Taiwan.
  • “It’s not/all about having fun: Identity work and social norms of Taiwanese college students on Facebook,” Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, 09/2014, China.
  • “Chasing new generations in Taiwan: A novice college teacher’s story of accomplishing teaching belief and instruction practice,” Taiwanese Women Studies Group, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 03/2009, USA.


  • International Sociological Association (ISA), RC Sociology of Education & Visual Sociology.
  • European Sociological Association (ESA), RC Sociology of Education & Youth and Generation.
  • Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), SIG: Higher Education.
  • Early Career Higher Education Researchers (ECHER).
  • American Educational Research Association (AERA), Division of Postsecondary Education, SIG: Sociology of Education.

Service to Profession

  • Reviewer for Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education (AREE), Ministry of Education, 2023
  • Reviewer for Fulbright Germany, Fulbright-Doktorand:innenprogramm (2023-2024)
  • Reviewer for Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education (2022-current); Cogent Education (2022- current); Social Inclusion (2021- current); American Educational Research Association Annual Conference-SIG-Sociology of Education, Division J - Postsecondary Education (2014, 2017); Journal of Professional Teacher (2015).
  • Qualitative Methods Consultant, Medical Education Committee, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital International Medical Center, 2014, Taiwan.
  • Executive Assistant, The Alumni Association of Department of Education, NTNU (2012-2013).
  • Session Chair, “Making the case for ‘world-class’ universities (Part 2)”, Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, 4/2012, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • On-site Exhibitor, National Association for Foreign Students Association(NAFSA) Annual Conference & Expo, 5/2009, Los Angeles.
  • Accountant, Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education (2006-2008).



  • Universität Paderborn, Seminar
  1. Introduction to the Sociology of Higher Education;
  2. Main theories in the Sociology of Education;
  3. Social Class, Education, and Social (In)equality;
  4. Transitions in Education and Social Inequality;
  5. Doing the sociology of education through Photovoice methodology 
  • Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, Seminar
  1. Reading and Understanding Classical and Contemporary Sociological Texts  
  • National Taiwan Normal University
  1. Sociology of Education (Graduate Seminar), In-service teacher education program, 2008.
  2. Sociology of Education (Undergraduate Lecture), Teacher education program, 2006-2008.
  3. Principles of Instruction (Undergraduate Lecture), Teacher education program, 2006-2008.
  4. Sociology of Education (Undergraduate Lecture), Extension Division of In-service and Continuing Education, 2005.

Teaching Assistant

  • University of California, Los Angeles
  1. Politics of Education (under/graduate), Prof. Carlos A. Torres, Summer 2010.
  2. Sociology of Organizations (undergraduate), Prof. Lynne G. Zucker, Spring 2009.
  • National Taiwan Normal University
  1. Philosophy of Education (undergraduate), Prof. Shen-Keng Yang, 2004-2006.
  2. Politics of Education (graduate), Prof. Li-Yun Wang, 2003-2004.