Sven Thomas
Applied ethics with a focus on technology ethics in the digital world
Research Associate
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About Sven Thomas
Since April 2022, I have been working as a research assistant for Juniorprofessor Suzana Alpsancar in the Heinz Nixdorf Institutes “Applied Ethics, Ethics of Technology” workgroup. My research focuses on issues that examine the impact of new technological artefacts on our interaction with others and with the world. Here, I am particularly interested in everyday things, such as how we deal with and use messaging services, social media or dating platforms as well as technologies that run in the background, such as the algorithmic translation of languages, which is subject of my Phd-project. Here I am particularly interested in the philosophical and epistemological changes in the way we deal with languages, which are indicated by the transition from an aesthetic to an instrumental process of translation. With my studies, I would like to contribute to using the many new inventions more consciously in order to be able to emphasise the advantages for our lives, which result from them, and not to succumb passively to the logics inherent in them.
Research Interests
- Philosophy of technology
- Phenomenology
- Critical theory
Current Courses
- (Anti-)soziale Medien
- (Anti-)Soziale Medien
Additional Activities
WiSe23/24: Revisiting the Liguistic Turn: Sprache im Spiegel von Sprach-KIs
SoSe23: Die Sprache der Dinge: Einführung in Walter Benjamins Sprach- und Medienphilosophie
WiSe22/23: Hannah Arendt: Vita Activa oder Vom tätigen Leben
SoSe22: Günther Anders: Die Antiquitiertheit des Menschen Bd. I
Further Information
Gehaltene Vorträge
Anders auf Tinder. Wie das Geschäft mit der Liebe diese selbst verändert, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG), Frankfurt a.M., 22.09.2023.
Romantik heute. Gefühle als Ware, Pegasus UPB, Paderborn, 08.2023.
Smooth Answers and Fabulations. Engaging with Processed Language, togehter with Leonie Möck, International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP), Prag, 07.2023.
Sprachen im Zeitalter ihrer algorithmischen Übersetzbarkeit, Paderbornder Kolloquium zur Philosophie, Paderborn, 01.2023.
Sprachmagie – Magic of Language and Reproduction, Third Padova Summer School on Philosophy and Cultural Studies of Technology, Padua, 09.2022.