Mike Weber, M.Sc.


Fluidverfahrenstechnik (bis 2023)
Dynamische Simulation chemischer Absorptions-/Desorptionsprozesse


Aktuelle Publikationen

Dynamics of an Absorption/Desorption Plant: Experimental Study and Model Validation

M. Weber, N. Lutters, E.Y. Kenig, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2024).

Dynamic modeling of absorption/desorption closed-loop including periphery

M. Bothe, I. Hami Dindar, N. Lutters, E.Y. Kenig, Computers and Chemical Engineering (2022).

Model Based and Experimental Analysis of the Dynamic Reactive Absorption Loop Behavior

M. Bothe, N. Lutters, E.Y. Kenig, in: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference Distillation & Absorption 2022, 2022.

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