Dr. tech. nauk (NMetAU) Olexandr Grydin
- E-Mail:
- grydin@lwk.uni-paderborn.de
- Telefon:
- 0176 99161885
Aktuelle Publikationen
Process chain of a twin-roll cast aluminium-copper-lithium alloy
S. Mallow, J. Broer, B. Milkereit, O. Grydin, K.-P. Hoyer, K.-U. Garthe, D. Milaege, V. Boyko, M. Schaper, O. Kessler, Production Engineering (2024).
Influence of thermo-mechanical joining process on the microstructure of a hypoeutectic aluminium cast alloy
T. Borgert, M. Neuser, E. Wiens, O. Grydin, W. Homberg, M. Schaper, in: Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023, pp. 187–194.
Mechanical and Microstructure Characterisation of the Hypoeutectic Cast Aluminium Alloy AlSi10Mg Manufactured by the Twin-Roll Casting Process
M. Neuser, M. Schaper, O. Grydin, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 7 (2023).
Influence of Shell Material on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Twin-Roll Cast Al-Si-Mg Alloy
O. Grydin, M. Neuser, M. Schaper, in: Conference: ICTP 2023: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of PlasticityAt: Cannes (France), Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Twin-Roll Casting of Aluminum–Lithium Strips
O. Grydin, K.-U. Garthe, X. Yuan, J. Broer, O. Keßler, R. Králík, M. Cieslar, M. Schaper, in: S. Broek (Ed.), Light Metals 2023, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023, pp. 1031–1037.
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- Modern Steels and Steel Making (Exercises)
- Modern Steels and Steel Making