Anja Rasor, M.Sc.
Advanced Systems Engineering / Heinz Nixdorf Institut
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Business Engineering | Kreislaufwirtschaft
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Aktuelle Publikationen
A Product Lifecycle Model for the Digitally Enabled Circular Economy
M. Scholtysik, A. Rasor, C. Koldewey, R. Dumitrescu, in: Proceedings of NordDesign 2024, The Design Society, 2024.
Business model patterns for the circular economy
M. Scholtysik, A. Rasor, C. Koldewey, R. Dumitrescu, in: ISPIM Conference Proceedings, 2024.
An Integrative View of the Transformations towards Sustainability and Digitalization: The Case for a Dual Transformation
C. Kürpick, A. Rasor, M. Scholtysik, A. Kühn, C. Koldewey, R. Dumitrescu, Procedia CIRP 119 (2023) 614–619.
Aligning strategic position, behavior, and structure for smart service businesses in manufacturing
C. Koldewey, A. Rasor, J. Reinhold, J. Gausemeier, R. Dumitrescu, N. Chohan, M. Frank, Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2022).
Software-gestützte Planung der Smart-Service-Transformation
J. Reinhold, M. Siewert, M. Scholtysik, A. Rasor, C. Koldewey, R. Dumitrescu, Zeitschrift Für Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 117 (2022) 312–316.
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