Dr.-Ing. Nadine Feldmann

Elektrische Messtechnik (EMT)


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin 11/2015 - 11/2021


Aktuelle Publikationen

Inverse procedure for measuring piezoelectric material parameters using a single multi-electrode sample

L. Claes, N. Feldmann, V. Schulze, L. Meihost, H. Kuhlmann, B. Jurgelucks, A. Walther, B. Henning, Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 12 (2023) 163–173.

Identification of piezoelectric material parameters using optimised multi-electrode specimens

L. Claes, N. Feldmann, V. Schulze, B. Jurgelucks, A. Walther, B. Henning, in: Fortschritte Der Akustik - DAGA 2022, 2022, pp. 1326–1329.

An explicit symplectic approach to solving the wave equation in moving media

V. Inguva, N. Feldmann, L. Claes, T. Koturbash, T. Hahn-Jose, V. Koutcherov, E. Kenig, Engineering Reports (2022).

Estimation of piezoelectric material parameters of ring-shaped specimens

O. Friesen, L. Claes, N. Feldmann, B. Henning, Estimation of Piezoelectric Material Parameters of Ring-Shaped Specimens, International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators (IWPMA), 2022.

Lamb wave based approach to the determination of acoustic material parameters

S. Johannesmann, L. Claes, N. Feldmann, H. Zeipert, B. Henning, Tm - Technisches Messen 89 (2022) 493–506.

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