Prof. Dr. Thomas Thüm


Kontakt und Affiliationen

Zukunftsmeile 2
33102 Paderborn

People have an enormous tendency to resist change. They love to say, 'We've always done it this way.' I try to fight that. (Grace Hopper)

Über Thomas Thüm

Thomas Thüm is a full professor for software engineering at Paderborn University since April 2024. His research interests range from Software Engineering and Formal Methods to Artificial Intelligence and Security. In particular, his research focuses on variability and evolution of software systems. From 2020 to 2024, he was a full professor at the University of Ulm and before he was a postdoctoral researcher at the TU Braunschweig in Ina Schaefer’s institute. He received his Ph.D. in 2015 from the University of Magdeburg under the supervision of Gunter Saake. His Ph.D. thesis received the Dissertation Award 2015 of the University of Magdeburg and his master’s thesis the Software Engineering Award 2011 of the Ernst Denert Foundation. His bachelor's thesis was published at the International Conference on Software Engineering and received the SPLC Most Influential Paper Award. He coauthored more than 150 peer-reviewed publications and is known for his contributions to the famous open-source project FeatureIDE. Since 2020, he is an associate editor for ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM).


Schwerpunkte in der Lehre


  • Bachelor
  • Master

Die Veranstaltungen im SS24 sind in PAUL hinterlegt.

Laufende Lehrveranstaltungen

  • Software Product Lines (in English)
  • Software Engineering
  • Proseminar: Collaborative Software Development
  • Projektgruppe: Development of Software Configuration Tools (in English)
  • Praktikum: Software Engineering