TRR 285 - Project Area B


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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerson Meschut

Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 285

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An alternative and robust formulation of the fatigue crack growth rate curve for long cracks
G. Kullmer, D. Weiß, B. Schramm, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 296 (2024).
Weiterentwicklung des Exponentialansatzes zur Beschreibung von Rissfortschrittskurven
G. Kullmer, D. Weiß, B. Schramm, in: Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und –prüfung e.V., 2024.
Influence of process variations on clinch joint characteristics considering the effect of the nominal tool design
C. Zirngibl, S. Goetz, S. Wartzack, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (2024).
Approach for the Reliable and Virtual Design of Mechanical Joints in an Uncertain Environment
J.-M. Einwag, S. Goetz, S. Wartzack, in: DS 133: Proceedings of the 35th Symposium Design for X (DFX2024), The Design Society, 2024.
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