In­ter­na­tion­al Re­la­tions Of­fice


Internationalisation is a cross-sectional task that affects all areas of Paderborn University and is supported by a large number of actors in the faculties, in the administration, and on the executive board. The International Relations Office is the central coordinating unit for international affairs at Paderborn University. In addition to the strategic development and expansion of international relations, as well as the organisation and implementation of central international projects, it is also responsible for the support of international (guest) researchers and international alumni. The International Relations Office is assigned to the Vice President for International Relations.

International students can contact the International Office. Please click >here<

Paderborn University aims at connecting the different areas of study and teaching, research and administration, and promotes communication and information about central internationalisation measures through a variety of offers. For example, a project group "Internationalisation and Digitisation" was set up, which meets regularly and discusses the latest developments regarding internationalisation at UPB. The event series "International Tuesdays" provides regular information about the numerous individual actors and measures of internationalisation at the university during the lecture period.

The Welcome Services at Paderborn University support international (guest) researchers and employees, as well as their UPB hosts, in the process of preparing and organising their visit at UPB.

→ Welcome Services

Transnationaler Austausch und weltweite Vernetzung sind im Hochschulalltag längst eine Selbstverständlichkeit und auch die Universität Paderborn hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, internationale Kooperationen auszubauen und zu vertiefen. Im Rahmen der Internationalisierung der Universität Paderborn sollen nicht nur die internationalen Kooperationen und Netzwerke weiterentwickelt werden.

Auch die Zahl der internationalen Studierenden und Forschenden soll weiter steigen. So entsteht ein Campus, der zunehmend durch interkulturelle Kompetenzen, Diversität und Zweisprachigkeit geprägt ist. Das Übersetzungsbüro unterstützt diesen Prozess, indem es zentrale deutsche Texte ins Englische übersetzt und damit sprachliche Barrieren abbaut und die internationale Ausrichtung der Universität fördert.

Unser Ziel ist es, ein durchgehend zweisprachiges Angebot zentraler Informationen und Dokumente in Deutsch und Englisch für internationale Studierende und Forschende bereitzustellen und damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Willkommenskultur der Universität zu leisten. Darüber hinaus soll die bereits bestehende internationale Sichtbarkeit und Repräsentanz der Universität Paderborn im englischsprachigen Raum zukünftig durch ein zentrales zweisprachiges Glossar optimiert werden, was zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Universität beiträgt.

Since January 2024, Paderborn University has been coordinating the European University Alliance COLOURS - one of currently 50 university alliances funded by the European Commission as part of the European University Initiative.

The so-called "European University Alliances" are regarded as "flagships" in the transformation process of European universities - and the coordination of such an alliance here in Paderborn offers an exciting opportunity for all of us – for students, researchers and administrative staff. With the support of our eight partner universities from France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Croatia, North Macedonia and Latvia, we have some interesting but also challenging years ahead of us. Together, we will develop innovative teaching and learning formats, create attractive mobility programmes for students and staff and work closely with non-university partners in nine European regions.

Further information:

The International Relations Office is also responsible for the coordination and implementation of various international projects. For example, Paderborn University has joined forces with six other European higher education institutions to form the higher education alliance COLOURS in 2021 and is planning totake part in the HRK audit "Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions." It also works closely with numerous actors in the field of internationalisation, not only at UPB. This includes, for example, the "Campus OWL" liaison office in New York City.

Further information on the various projects or cooperations can be found here:

Keeping in touch with international graduates and alumni is important to UPB and an integral part of its strategic development. One of the tasks of the International Relations Office is to establish and expand an international alumni network with the goal to create a lively UPB community that spans countries and generations from which everyone can benefit - for life.

→ The portal for UPB alumni can be found here.


Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier

Vice-President for International Relations

Davina Stiller

Assistant to the vice president for international relations

Office: O4.110
Phone: +49 5251 60-2328

Nicola Weinert

International Projects and Alumni Relations Coordinator

Office: O4.110
Phone: +49 5251 60-5084

Anna-Marina Vogt

Welcome Services for International Researchers and Employees

Office: O4.116
Phone: +49 5251 60-5085

Angelina Dick

Coordination Translation Office, University Translator

Office: O4.113
Phone: +49 5251 60-4617

Emily Jayne Meier

University Translator

Office: O4.113
Phone: +49 5251 60-4233

Elena Cardinale


Phone: +49 5251 60-5082

Kon­takt COL­OURS-Team

Dr. Annette Klinkert

Managing Director COLOURS Alliance

Office: TP6.1.305
Phone: +49 5251 60-4664

Marion Grote-Kraft

COLOURS Quality Officer

Office: TP6.1.304
Phone: +49 5251 60-4678

Basel Myhub, M.A.

COLOURS Financial Officer

Office: TP6.1.304
Phone: +49 5251 60-4663

Laura Hölscher

CSO Assistant

Office: TP6.1.305
Phone: +49 5251 60-4651

Dr. Isabelle Leitloff

Implementation Office Lead (CIO-Lead) of the European Alliance COLOURS

Office: TP6.1.303
Phone: +49 5251 60-4674

Dr. Christine Marie Hante-Koch

CoSpace Officer COLOURS Alliance

Office: TP6.1.303
Phone: +49 5251 60-4673

Dr. Alena Diedrich


Office: F1.410
Phone: +49 5251 60-6303

International Tuesdays

More information here.

Mailing list registration

Register here to receive the latest information about developments and events in UPB's international relations!


International Office – of UPB        

Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers - at UPB

InRegio project – for international students at UPB

DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service  

Euraxess Germany - Information and Support for international researchers       

acn – Association of Alumni Organizations at Universities   

Alumni Paderborn e. V. – Central Alumni Association