Projects from Prof. Dr.-Ing. Juraj Somorovsky
KoTeBi: Combinatorial testing of TLS libraries at all levels
The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is one of the most important security standards on computers and smartphones today. It is used to secure communication over the internet and is used, for example, when streaming videos. However, human errors in the implementation of TLS and other encryption protocols repeatedly lead to security gaps. ...
Duration: 07/2022 - 06/2025
Funded by: BMBF
Postgraduate research training group NERD (North Rhine-Westphalian Experts on Research in Digitalization)
The postgraduate research training group NERD (North Rhine-Westphalian Experts on Research in Digitalization) is funding researchers in IT-security at universities and universities of applied sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia to promote research in the area of Human Centered Systems Security. Young researchers from different locations and ...
Duration: 03/2022 - 08/2025
Funded by: MKW NRW