M. Sc. Alexandra Florea
Member -
Member - Associated Collegiate
Associated Doctoral Researcher
- Office Address:
Mersinweg 7
33100 Paderborn - Room:
- Y2.222
Member - Research Associate
- E-Mail:
- alexandra.florea@uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-5951
- Office Address:
Mersinweg 7
33100 Paderborn - Room:
- Y2.222
Latest Publications
Hitting the Breaks While Working from Home. Changes in Taking-Breaks Behaviours During Pandemic Lockdowns
B. Voicu, D. Țălnar-Naghi, A. Neguț, E. Glăvan, L. Tufă, A. Florea, Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review 55 (2023) 607–631.
Chapter 5: Quantitative methodological approaches to citizenship and migration
N. Malancu, A. Florea, in: M. Giugni, M. Grasso (Eds.), Handbook of Citizenship and Migration, 2021.
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