Contact and Affiliations
- E-Mail:
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-2900
- 0000-0003-2364-9489
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- H4.129
- Office hours:
I am on a research sabbatical and therefore do not offer regular consultation hours. However, you are welcome to make an appointment by e-mail.
- E-Mail:
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-2900
- 0000-0003-2364-9489
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- H4.129
- Office hours:
I am on a research sabbatical and therefore do not offer regular consultation hours. However, you are welcome to make an appointment by e-mail.
- E-Mail:
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-2900
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- H4.129
About Ingrid Scharlau
My work focuses on basic research, and I particularly enjoy working in interdisciplinary contexts. I am trained in the dsiciplines of psychology, philosophy, and education. I use both quantitative (experimental psychology, modeling) and qualitative methods (metaphor research) and also work on questions of history and theory of psychology.
Research Interests
- Experimental psychology
- visuo-spatial attention
- modeling of cognitive processes
- Psychology of explaining/explainability
- Qualitative research
- metaphors
- disciplinary cultures
- Theory and history of psychology
- Didactics
- science didactics, science propaedeutics, college education
- psychology teaching
- writing education, writing in psychology, writing across the curriculum
- discipline-sensitive didactics in higher education
Latest Projects
- DigiSelF - Digitalisierung als Herausforderung und Innovation in der Hochschullehre: Einsatz digitaler Hilfsmittel zur Förderung von Selbststeuerung
- TRR 318 - Constructing Explainability
- TRR 318 - Contextualized and online parametrization of attention in human–robot explanatory dialog (Subproject A05)
- TRR 318 - Project Area RTG - Integrated Research Training Group
- TRR 318 - Subproject C1 - Healthy distrust in explanations
- TRR 318 - Subproject C4 - Metaphors as an explanation tool
- Digitalisierung als Herausforderung und Innovation in der Hochschullehre (DigiSELF), Teilprojekt 2 „Entwicklung eines Programms studentischer „Culture Fellows“ zur Unterstützung in komplexen Lehr-, Lern-, und Prüfungssettings“
Selected Publications
J. Tünnermann, A. Kristjansson, A. Petersen, A. Schubö, I. Scharlau, Open Psychology (2021).
I. Scharlau, A. Karsten, K. Rohlfing, Journal of Writing Research 12 (2021) 493–529.
C. Golombek, K.B. Klingsieck, I. Scharlau, European Journal of Psychological Assessment 35 (2019) 751–761.
J. Tünnermann, A. Krüger, I. Scharlau, Journal of Visualized Experiments (2017).
Show all publications
Teaching Areas
experimental and cognitive psychology
psychology for future teachers
psychology for students of informatics
critical thinking in psychology
Current Courses
The researcher does not teach any courses in the current semester.
Additional Activities
I run the Writing Center at the University of Paderborn, which supports students in academic writing (and staf in teaching writing).
In addition, I offer workshops and lectures on higher education didactics. Among them are the following topics:
Dealing with plagiarism - Teaching attitudes toward scholarly writing and reading.
Reading scientific texts with students
Giving feedback on student texts
Writing in the dsiciplines
Dealing with peer reviews
Reflecting and designing teaching with metaphors
All workshops are offered for a wide variety of disciplines (and gladly together for different disciplines) and are designed to be discipline-sensitive.
In the field of transfer, my current focus is on further training for psychology teachers and the development of teaching materials for psychology classes at schools.
Further Information
Seit 2008 engagiere ich mich stark in der Betreuung von Early Career Researchers. So habe ich an der Universität Paderborn ein Mentoring-Programm für Doktorandinnen und ein Peer-Mentoring für promotionsinteressierte Studentinnen aufgebaut. Mit den jährlichen Schreibzeiten, die ich gemeinsam mit den Schreibzentren der Universität Paderborn und der Universität Bielefeld organisiere, unterstütze ich Frauen in der Promotionsphase. Seit 2019 organisiere ich gemeinsam mit Tobias Jenert (Universität Paderborn) und Carla Bohndick (Universität Hamburg) die interdisziplinäre und internationale Summer School Higher Education Research (HoBid). Im SFB TRR318 "Constructing Explainability" leite ich das integrierte Graduiertenkolleg.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Fachgruppe Allgemeine Psychologie (DGPs)
Gesellschaft für Schreibdidaktik und Schreibforschung (gefsus)
The European Society of Psychology Learning and Teaching (ESPLAT)
Fellow in der Community of Professionals von Lehre-hoch-n
LehreN Netzwerk e.V.
Nice things and oddities
I was born in 1967, have a daughter and live in the almost northern part of southern East Westphalia, that is, in the middle of the world, though deep in the countryside. I am involved in the preservation of rural areas and the Interessengemeinschaft Bauernhaus. I love Jane Austen und Herman Melville and often wonder why, try to smuggle quotes of them into documents of any kind and try to promote the appreciation of nonsense within academia. If I had more time, I would spend it spinning and weaving. And reading.