Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Von der Ahe
System and Circuit Technology / Heinz Nixdorf Institut
Laboratory Engineer - Employee
Laser safety representative SCT
- E-Mail:
- uahe@hni.uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-6342
- Office Address:
Fürstenallee 11
33102 Paderborn - Room:
- F0.415
Latest Publications
Linear ultra-broadband NPN-only analog correlator at 33 Gbps in 130nm SiGe BiCMOS technology
A.R. Javed, C. Scheytt, U. Von der Ahe, in: IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, IEEE, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 2016.
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