Dr. Kirsten Reinecke
Course Manager - Teacher for Special Tasks
Study Program Coordination "Applied Neurosciences in Sports & Exercise"
- E-Mail:
- reinecke@sportmed.uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-3182
- Office Address:
Harsewinkelweg 4
33100 Paderborn - Room:
- SP.1.521
- Office hours:
mondays 1-2pm
(currently with appointment only)
Latest Publications
Ecological validity in exercise neuroscience research: A systematic investigation
M. Chang, D. Büchel, K. Reinecke, T. Lehmann, J. Baumeister, European Journal of Neuroscience 55 (2022) 487–509.
Show all publications
Current Courses
- Understanding Different Statistical Methods and Concepts
- Projekt Sportmedizin (Einführendes Projektseminar)
- Physiologie der Propriozeption, Koordination und Bewegungssteuerung
- Introduction to studying "Applied Neurosciences in Sports & Exercise";
- Internship and Colloquium (ANSE)
- Grundlagen der sensomotorischen Kontrolle
- Einführung in die Sportspiele II - Rückschlagspiele (Kurs B)
- Einführung in die Sportspiele II - Rückschlagspiele (Kurs A)
- Developing a Research Problem