Day of ac­tion on the oc­ca­sion of Com­ing Out Day 2023

Location: library foyer

For many people, coming out is still a big and courageous step. The day of action on Tuesday, 21 November, in the library foyer is intended to raise awareness and make the topics of sexual and gender diversity visible. The central Office for Equal Opportunities of Paderborn University, together with the Diversity Officer, the AStA Equal Opportunities Officer, the student initiative for queer people at Paderborn University "AStA Queers & friends" and the state project "blick* zu LSBTIQ* Strukturen im ländlichen Raum" invite all interested parties from 11 am to 2 pm.

The offer includes information stands with different contact persons as well as a quiz and a wheel of fortune with small prizes. The event is aimed at queer students and staff as well as all people on campus who would like to support people from the LGBTIQ* communities.

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