Working at Paderborn University
Paderborn University offers a wide range of support and services. Some of them are listed below.
German courses
The Department of German as a Second/Foreign Language of the Institute for German Language and Comparative Literature at Paderborn University offers free German language courses at all levels for international staff. You can join the courses at any time (apart from the A1 courses). Further information, a course schedule and contact details can be found here.
Writing Centre for international students, PhD students and researchers
The Department of German as a Second/Foreign Language also offers a Writing Centre („Schreibtreff“). In a variety of workshops you can for instance improve your proficiency in the technical jargon of your subject or your pronounciation. If you would like some support regarding formulating and revising your texts, you can get individual advice during the office hours.
Tandem Market
In order to find a tandem partner with whom you can improve your language skills, you can also use the tandem market offered by the Centre of Language Studies.
Language learning websites
The Centre of Language Studies has created an overview of various websites with which you can improve your knowledge of German.
At the Jenny Aloni Center for Early-Career Researchers you can find information about possible career paths, about opportunities for further qualification and research funding as well as an overview of services provided by Paderborn Universiy for junior scientists and academics.
Paderborn University supports its scientists in the best possible way in the implementation of research projects and the acquisition of third-party funding. Department 2 (Dezernat 2) advises you on the administration of third-party funds as well as on legal issues arising in connection with research projects. In addition, you can obtain information on national, international and in-house scholarship and support programmes. Further information can be found here.
The Equal Opportunity Officer provides advice on equality policies and support programs at Paderborn University as is available as a contact person for issues regarding a family-friendly university. You can also get advice and support for issues related to equality, e.g. the selection of personnel or in case of discrimination.
The University Library is the central service institution for the supply of scientific literature and information media and provides a variety of services for students, employees and guests. Employees of Paderborn University can apply for their library card via the IMT service portal. Information on the services of the University Library can be found here.
Paderborn University sports offers numerous sports courses and events. In addition, there is a fitness studio.
Further information can be found here.
You can find detailed information and an overview of Paderborn University's services for new employees on the website of the Human Resources Development department.