Cor­por­ate Design - The visu­al iden­tity of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Uniformity, recognition and a clear message are essential elements for every institution. The corporate design (CD) plays a crucial role here. It defines the visual identity and image of our university and ensures that our messages are communicated in a consistent and appealing way.

Why is a unified CD so important? The answer lies in the diverse community that makes up a university. With thousands of students, faculty and staff, it is essential to establish a consistent visual identity that represents our values and goals. A well thought-out corporate design builds trust, increases credibility and strengthens the reputation both internally and externally. When developing the new corporate design for the Paderborn University, we paid special attention to the issue of low barriers, both in terms of appearance and handling. We want to ensure that our visual identity is accessible to everyone, that there are no hurdles in perception and use, and that the specifications of the CD are easy for all of us to implement.

Therefore, all university members are entitled to use the corporate design of Paderborn University to appropriately represent their work and projects related to the university. Defined guidelines and terms of use must always be observed in order to ensure the uniformity and quality of our appearance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

First re­lease of the Brand Portal

The Brand Portal is the digital manual of the Paderborn University's new corporate design. It will continuously build up, develop and adapt to the needs of the university.

From this main page, you can access all the chapters of the Brand Portal that have been published so far:



Please note that all subpages and templates of the Brand Portal are only accessible within the university network. Activate the university VPN when you are on the road or at home in order to access all information.  

We hope that the Brand Portal will help you to apply the corporate design of Paderborn University in the best possible way. Thank you for your commitment and support in successfully communicating our identity and messages!

New ad­di­tions

So­cial Me­dia

Branding is no longer limited to print media. With the social media templates, you ensure that the university also offers a consistent overall image in the digital area of the customer journey. Discover the design options and how you can use them for your channels.

Up­date: Bürobe­darf

Das Brandportal und damit auch die bereits veröffentlichten Unterlagen werden regelmäßig erweitert und bei Bedarf angepasst. Durch das zahlreiche Feedback, haben wir den Bereich Bürobedarf noch einmal ausführlich geprüft und durch neue Features ergänzt. Auf der Update-Seite finden Sie alle Neuheiten und Optimierungen im Überblick.

Vir­tuelle Hin­ter­gründe

In vielen Programmen für Video- und Webkonferenzen lassen sich virtuelle Hintergrundmotive einbinden, um die Privatsphäre zu schützen und gleichzeitig den professionellen Auftritt zu verstärken, egal von wo aus Sie arbeiten. Entdecken Sie die neuen und CD-konformen virtuellen Hintergrundmotive.

Ba­sic ele­ments


The new logo of Paderborn University looks familiar at first glance, but at the same time modern and clear thanks to the colourful and geometric update.

Col­our world

The new colour world of Paderborn University consists of nine fresh, strong and expressive colours. Learn more about their application and combination possibilities.


Friendly, straightforward and easy to read - that's what distinguishes the new house font and substitute font of Paderborn University.

Design ele­ments

The new design elements bring colour into the picture. Discover triangle combinations for a visually refreshing look, icons and many other highlights.

Of­fice sup­plies

Busi­ness cards

Use the new form and order your individual business cards quickly and easily.

E-mail sig­na­ture

Often forgotten, but so important. Let's ensure a uniform appearance together, with the new e-mail signature templates.


Accompany the first steps in the new corporate design with the new letter templates. Download now and create personalised templates.

Present­a­tion tem­plate (Power­Point)

Get ready for the next semester with professional and expressive presentations. Download the template now and create your own presentations.

Doc­u­ment tem­plate

With the Word document template, you can quickly and easily implement announcements, resolutions, minutes and other documents of Paderborn University in the new corporate design.

Vir­tuelle Hin­ter­gründe

In vielen Programmen für Video- und Webkonferenzen lassen sich virtuelle Hintergrundmotive einbinden, um die Privatsphäre zu schützen und gleichzeitig den professionellen Auftritt zu verstärken, egal von wo aus Sie arbeiten. Entdecken Sie die neuen und CD-konformen virtuellen Hintergrundmotive.

Ed­it­or­i­al Design


Plakate sind ein beliebtes Instrument aus dem Bereich Editorial Design: Sie verbinden kreative Gestaltung mit strategischer Platzierung, um kompakte Informationen effektiv zu kommunizieren und das Interesse der Zielgruppe zu wecken.


Egal ob als Auslage in der Mensa, auf Messen oder Veranstaltungen oder als Kurzinformation zu Ihrem aktuellen Projekt. Postkarten sind eine kompakte und wertige Alternative zu klassischen Flyern.

Di­git­al Me­dia

So­cial Me­dia

Branding is no longer limited to print media. With the social media templates, you ensure that the university also offers a consistent overall image in the digital area of the customer journey. Discover the design options and how you can use them for your channels.

Stay up-to-date

The brand portal is still under construction, so content will be added successively in the coming weeks and months. However, we would like to take you with us every step of the way and will keep you informed about new content and updates on this page.

Coming soon:

  • Office supplies part 2 (Absence note, Teams backgrounds, ...)
  • Editorial Design

Please only use documents already published in the new corporate design. If necessary, the use of existing templates in the previous design is permitted for all non-published materials.

If you are planning materials for a long-term period of use, have questions about the documents or need support in the brand portal, please contact the Marketing Team at

[All texts have been translated automatically]

Kontakt und weitere Links


Sie haben Fragen oder benötigen weitergehende Informationen zum Corporate Design? Wenden Sie sich gern ans Marketing-Team der Stabsstelle Presse, Kommunikation und Marketing, wir helfen Ihnen gern weiter. Schreiben Sie uns!

Kontakt Corporate Design