More news from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Man vs. ma­chine in the di­git­al­ised world of work

Paderborn scientists analyse the use of new technologies from a humanistic perspective

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Stu­dents' as­so­ci­ation for sus­tain­ab­il­ity re­ceives Pader­born alumni award

The student project area "oikos" has been campaigning for sustainability at Paderborn University since 2009. The association's many years of commitment have now been recognised with the alumni network's "Outstanding Commitment 2024" award.

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Zwei junge Männer und eine junge Frau schauen gemeinsam auf ein Smartphone

IN­NOVADE: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity is part of a new EU Ho­ri­zon Europe pro­ject on di­git­al demo­cracy

Research into digital democracy aims to provide valuable insights for improving civic participation

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Sci­ence un­der the sign of di­git­al­isa­tion

Paderborn University celebrates traditional New Year's reception with 400 guests

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Quantum re­peat­ers for se­cure quantum net­works of the fu­ture

Paderborn University involved in new joint project

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity re­search­ers de­vel­op app that spon­sors safe di­git­al be­ha­viour

Many people are often exposed to risks in the digital space without realising it - sometimes with serious consequences. This is where doctoral candidate Anna Lena Rotthaler's research comes in: As part of her doctorate at the Chair of Empirical Software Engineering at Paderborn University, the computer scientist has developed the "Security App".

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"In search of plan B": "Study doubts" theme days in OWL

As part of the joint project "Campus OWL - Opportunities in case of doubts about studying and dropping out", the Central Student Counselling Centres and Career Services of the OWL universities invite and advise students who have doubts about studying

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In­tro­duct­ory work­shops for fur­ther train­ing in high­er edu­ca­tion di­dactics: Free places for the sum­mer semester 2025

A new further education programme on the topic of "Professional teaching skills for the university" begins in March. The programme of the Office of Educational Innovation and University Didactics is aimed at all interested teaching staff at Paderborn University and offers in-service training to provide a sound basic didactic qualification.

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity's alumni sports net­work donates to a good cause

During their studies, the university's sports facilities were their home, today they work in companies and schools all over Germany. At the end of last year, over 200 alumni of Paderborn University's Department of Sport and Health came back to campus for the alumni reunion. The organisers have now donated the surplus of 800 euros from the evening's closing party to the Paderborn network "Child Protection in Sport". The Sports Alumni Network of…

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Sus­tain­able - Di­git­al - Equit­able. Fu­ture scen­ari­os for work, edu­ca­tion and ca­reers

Patron Elke Büdenbender speaks at the "Vocational Training" university days at Paderborn University

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With "OER" to more edu­ca­tion­al equity: Suc­cess­ful kick-off of the "PrimO­ER" com­munity for in­clus­ive primary school edu­ca­tion

The Paderborn University and Bielefeld University joint project is therefore establishing a nationwide "OER community" focussing on "Inclusive primary school education and didactics"

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"Get a taste of uni­ver­sity" at the Pader­born Uni­ver­sity cam­pus day

On Thursday, 16 January, pupils and prospective students can look forward to a varied programme from 8 am to 2 pm

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Quantum sounds: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity doc­tor­al can­did­ate makes light particles sound with a spe­cial com­pos­i­tion

Max-Lukas Hundelshausen from the Department of Musicology explored the quantum world and created a composition that will be premiered at the opening ceremony of a new exhibition area at the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum on 11 January 2025.

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Re­think­ing edu­ca­tion: start-ups from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity's start-up centre cre­ate ad­ded value for so­ci­ety

Paderborn University's start-up centre, garage33, is supporting three start-ups from Paderborn in their plans to create added value for society in the field of education.

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The fu­ture drives autonom­ously: Pader­born mo­bil­ity sys­tem NeMo.bil in the Ger­man gov­ern­ment's strategy pa­per

In December, the German government published its strategy for autonomous driving in road transport. The large-scale mobility system NeMo.bil, whose initiator Prof Dr Thomas Tröster heads the Chair of Lightweight Automotive Design at Paderborn University, is presented as an example for the field of local public transport.

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