Invitation: Potluck Get-Together of International Researchers and Employees

The Welcome Services would like to continue the successful Get-Together event series by organising a Potluck on Monday, 13 May 2024. You are cordially invited to bring your homemade dishes and join us starting at 17:00. You will have the opportunity to get to know your colleagues in an informal setting and spend the afternoon together enjoying each other’s meals and testing your knowledge in a quiz. The event will take place on campus, in room IBZ 0.106.

Because the number of participants is limited, a registration is required and can be done here. We will provide further information on organisational questions via e-mail prior to the event.

What? Potluck Get-Together

When? Monday, 13 May 2024, 17:00

Where? On campus, room IBZ 0.106

Registration necessary? Yes!