
Information week of the Faculty of AaH on stays abroad during your studies

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Are you interested in studying abroad at one of our more than 200 partner universities? Then find out more at one of our information events or take part in our application workshop!

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Sie möchten an einer amerikanischen Hochschule Ihren Masterabschluss, einen Forschungsaufenthalt oder die Kursphase für einen PhD absolvieren? Dann bewerben Sie sich auf ein Stipendium des ERP-Programms!

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The PEP internship program is open to full-time students from the Campus OWL universities. It takes place during the summer term 2025 and includes a one-week introductory skills seminar in NYC and a 3-month (or longer) internship in a company or organization in the New York metropolitan area or other regions in the United States.

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Ab sofort ist das Stipendienprogramm "nrw:exchange – Dein UK Stipendium" für Förderungen von Kurzaufenthalten von Bachelor- und Masterstudierenden im Vereinigten Königreich im laufenden Jahr 2024 ausgeschrieben.

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Information week of the Faculty of AaH on stays abroad during your studies

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"Back to School" gives returning students the opportunity to visit schools in Germany and share their experiences from their stay abroad with pupils. Together with a school class, they carry out an interactive project on their host country lasting (at least) 2 school hours and report on the possibilities of stays abroad as part of a degree programme.

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Are you interested in studying abroad at one of our more than 200 partner universities? Then find out more at one of our information events or take part in our application workshop!

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Invitation to join the International Student Union at the Intercultural Week 2023

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[German only] Du gehst im Wintersemester 2023/24 ins Ausland, hast Spaß am Bloggen und kennst dich mit Instagram, TikTok und Twitter aus? Dann bewirb dich bis spätestens zum 1. Mai 2023 bei uns und werde Correspondent im Ausland von "studieren weltweit"!

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[German only] Von Höhen und Tiefen, Dos and Don'ts, friends forever, persönlichem Wachstum und dem Plus für die berufliche Zukunft: Die Correspondents von studieren weltweit berichten über Ihre Erfahrungen im Ausland

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After the application round ended on December 4th, 2022, the selection process in the faculties started shortly thereafter.

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From now on it is possible to apply for places at our partner universities for a semester abroad in 2023/24. You can find more information here.

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You are thinking about going abroad next year, but are still wondering about the possibilities, how to finance a stay abroad and how to apply for an exchange place at a partner university of the University of Paderborn? Then come to one of our next info events. More information below.

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