Start-up support and funding
Paderborn University is a start-up-friendly university and supports its students and researchers in establishing start-ups from within the university. The Research Support Service provides advice and support on issues relating to the acquisition of third-party funding for public, non-commercial start-up funding.
Further development of the content of the project: Within the project, research and development work should be continued and the business idea and business plan matured. Your specialist mentors and TECUP will be on hand to help you with this.
Proposal Advice: Funding is provided on a specific legal basis, which is accompanied by regulations that must be strictly adhered to. In addition to the two parties mentioned above - TECUP and your mentor - you will also be supported by the central administration of the UPB. During the application process, the Research Support Service Dec. 2/ 2.2 will provide you with information and co-advice on the project requirements.
We have compiled comprehensive information for you in a guide that contains both cross-programme and programme-specific components. The following funding programmes are covered:
For Whom? Research teams at universities.
For What? Outstanding research-based start-up projects that involve complex and high-risk development work.
How? Project funding for development work in preparation for the start-up, usually 18 months, max. 36 months.
When? Submission possible on an ongoing basis. Assessment from 31 March, 31 August and 30 November of each year.
See sections 1, 2, 3 in the guide "Leitfaden Gründungsförderung Antragsberatung" in the Downloads section.
For Whom? Students, graduates and scientists from universities who are interested in founding a company.
For What? Innovative technology-orientated or knowledge-based product with significant unique selling points and good prospects of commercial success.
How? Scholarship for max. 3 people for 12 months.
When? Applications possible on an ongoing basis.
See sections 1, 2, 4 in the guide "Leitfaden Gründungsförderung Antragsberatung" in the Downloads section.
For Whom? Graduates and scientists from universities who are willing to start a business.
For What? Knowledge-intensive start-up ideas as technology-orientated start-up projects, innovative services, social innovations.
How? Pro-rata project funding for the development of products, processes, services, max. 24 months.
When? Deadline for submission planned for 31.01. and 31.07. from 2023 to 2026.
See sections 1, 2, 5 in the guide "Leitfaden Gründungsförderung Antragsberatung" in the Downloads section.
Please take note of the guidelines. This document describes the procedure for submitting an application in detail. The submission requires legally binding signatures and therefore some formal clarifications.
Please note that the necessary coordination and clarification processes take time. Therefore, please contact us in good time, at least 2 weeks before the deadline for outgoing mail.
Data privacy notice
In connection with the application for third-party funding and research projects, please note the information on the collection and, if applicable, on the transmission of personal data in accordance with the GDPR at