880 projects were found

CRC 901 - Project Area A: Algorithmic and economic basic principles for the organization of large, dynamic markets

Duration: 07/2011 - 06/2023

Funded by: DFG

CRC 901 - Project Area B: Modeling, composition and quality analysis for the On-The-Fly Computing

Duration: 07/2011 - 06/2023

Funded by: DFG

CRC 901 - Project Area C: Reliable execution environments and application scenarios for the On-The-Fly Computing

Duration: 07/2011 - 06/2023

Funded by: DFG

CRC 901 - Capabilities and limitations of local strategies in dynamic networks (Subproject A1)

We are engaged in Project A1 with local strategies to address fundamental challenges for the organization of large, dynamic markets. Our studies encompass the design, analysis, and evaluation of local algorithms. Important issues are the complex distributed search for services, the dynamic adaptation of networks to applications and user behavior, ...

Duration: 07/2011 - 06/2023

Funded by: DFG

CRC 901 - Realizing and Optimizing Overlays over physical networks (Subproject A2)

Duration: 07/2011 - 06/2015

Funded by: DFG

CRC 901 - The market for Services: Incentives, Algorithms, Implementation (Subproject A3)

In project A3 we describe and analyze the economic aspects of the market for composed services. For us, the market is the behavior of the market participants from the economical point of view. To understand the incentives and the development of the market particular characteristics have to be considered. These include (a) the new possible trade ...

Duration: 07/2011 - 06/2023

Funded by: DFG

CRC 901 - Parameterized Service Specifications (Subproject B1)

Users search the On-The-Fly-Market for services that satisfy their specifications. For these specifications we develop a user-friendly approach to forumalte one's requirements. On the one hand, natural-language specifications provided by the end users are processed. On the other hand, domain experts model their requirements in the form of examples, ...

Duration: 07/2011 - 06/2023

Funded by: DFG

CRC 901 - Configuration and Rating (Subproject B2)

This subproject deals with the configuration and rating of services. In more detail, it aims at investigating basic configuration techniques and improving the latter's effectiveness as well as the efficiency. In the first funding phase (until June 30, 2015), the focus was on the development of basic algorithms for automatic service composition, ...

Duration: 07/2011 - 06/2023

Funded by: DFG

CRC 901 - Composition Analysis in Partially Unknown Contexts (Subproject B3)

Duration: 07/2011 - 06/2023

Funded by: DFG

CRC 901 - Robustness and Security (Subproject C1)

Subproject C1 deals with the robustness and safety of OTF systems. The work of the second funding period will be extended to a trustworthy management of resources. In addition, the robustness of heterogeneous systems will be investigated. C1 will develop access control systems that enable the decentralization of OTF computing via multiparty ...

Duration: 07/2011 - 06/2023

Funded by: DFG