Timo Neuhausen, M.Ed.

Research Associate

Research Associate
Research Associate
Research project MusCoDA
Office Address:
Pohlweg 85
33100 Paderborn
Office hours:

by arrangement

About Timo Neuhausen

Curriculum Vitae

Since 01.10.2023: Ph.D. candidate

Paderborn University
Working title: "Musical educational processes of socio-material collectives"

01.10.2022 - 30.09.2023: Research assistant

University of Education Karlsruhe
BMBF research project MusCoDA (project leader: Prof. Dr. Marc Godau)

01.10.2015 - 23.05.2022: Studies in music, German, education sciences (B.A.), and teacher training (M.Ed.)

Leuphana University Lüneburg

01.11.2017 - 31.12.2021: Student research assistant

Leuphana University Lüneburg
BMBF research project MIDAKuK (project leader: Prof. Dr. Michael Ahlers)

01.02.2022 - 09.08.2022: School Attendant

Accompanying a second-grader in the autism spectrum


Research Interests

  • Soziomaterialität des Musiklernens
  • Popularmusikpädagogik
  • Artistic Research


Latest Publications

Modellierungen außerinstitutioneller Aneignungsprozesse digital-materieller Interfaces und (musik-)pädagogische Anschlüsse

T. Neuhausen, M. Ahlers, in: D. Neuhaus, H.J. Keden (Eds.), Musik – Digitalisierung – Bildung, kopaed, München, 2024, pp. 77–96.

Die Plattformisierung des Songwritings. Musik erfinden unter Bedingungen des short video turn am Beispiel von TikTok

M. Haenisch, M. Godau, J. Barreiro, D. Maxelon, T. Neuhausen, in: M. Göllner, J. Honnens, V. Krupp, L. Oravec, S. Schmid (Eds.), 44. Jahresband des Arbeitskreises Musikpädagogische Forschung / 44th Yearbook of the German Association for Research in Music Education, Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2023, pp. 305–322.

Technology-centred learning processes as digital artistic development: On the reciprocal effects of conceptual models, metaphors and presets

T. Neuhausen, C. Wernicke, M. Ahlers, Journal of Music, Technology & Education 13 (2021) 287–304.

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Current Courses

  • Bedroom pop & platform musicking

Scientific Engagement

Since 02/2024  |  Association for Popular Music Education (APME)

Since 02/2023  |  European Association for Musik in Schools (EAS)

Since 09/2022  |  Arbeitskreis Musikpädagogische Forschung (AMPF)

Further Information

Activities and main areas of work

Working title of the dissertation: Postdigital learning and educational practices in musical collectives.

Research interests: informal music learning, music learning in post-digital contexts, post-digital cultures, creativity in collectives, learning with technologies, thing-centred learning

Musical activities as electric bassist, bedroom producer and hyphenated musician