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About Martin Kesternich

Prof. Dr. Martin Kesternich has been Professor of Economics, in particular Sustainability, at the Center for Sustainable Economy at the University of Paderborn and Research Associate at the ZEW-Leibniz Center for European Economic Research in Mannheim since April 2023. Before that he was a Professor for Environmental and Resource Economics at the University of Kassel and deputy head of the research department "Environmental and Climate Economics" at the ZEW. He studied economics at the University of Mannheim and the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina in Buenos Aires. In July 2015 he completed his doctorate at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Hamburg. As a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service, Martin Kesternich was a guest researcher at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. His research interests include experimental and empirical approaches in the field of environmental and behavioral economics.


Research Interests

  • Environmental Economics
  • Climate Economics
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Experimental Economics


Latest Publications

Collective Minimum Contributions to Counteract the Ratchet Effect in the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods

M. Alt, M. Kesternich, C. Gallier, B. Sturm, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2023).

Inter-Charity Competition under Spatial Differentiation: Sorting, Crowding, and Spillovers

C. Gallier, T. Goeschl, M. Kesternich, J. Lohse, C. Reif, D. Römer, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 216 (2023) 457–468.

Die Doppelwirkung von Information für klimafreundliches Handeln

M. Frick, D. Foese, K. Von Graevenitz, M. Kesternich, U. Wagner, Die Doppelwirkung von Information Für Klimafreundliches Handeln, Ökologisches Wirtschaften 38(1), 2023.

Motivate the Crowd or Crowd-Them Out? The Impact of Local Government Spending on the Voluntary Provision of a Green Public Good

L. Bartels, M. Kesternich, Motivate the Crowd or Crowd-Them Out? The Impact of Local Government Spending on the Voluntary Provision of a Green Public Good, ZEW Discussion Paper 22-040, 2022.

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Current Courses

  • Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Umwelt- und Verhaltensökonomik
  • Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Umwelt- und Verhaltensökonomik
  • Using Big Data to Solve Economic and Social Problems
  • Fostering sustainability: an economic perspective
  • Behavioral Environmental Economics