Office Address:
Hornsche Str. 39
32756 Detmold
HFM1 2.12
Office hours:

Wednesdays 11-12 (please register in advance by e-mail)

About Luise Adler

Luise Adler (born 1993) studied musicology (2016-2021) at the University of Vienna and harp (2012-2019) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. In February 2021, she completed her master's degree with honours and was awarded prizes for her master's thesis (title: Helmut Lachenmann and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Understanding tradition in discourse): the Austrian "State Prize for the Best Diploma and Master's Degrees" (November 2021) and the "Master's Prize" of the Vienna Musicology Seminar (June 2022). Since March 2022, she has been a research assistant at the Musicology Seminar Detmold/Paderborn under Prof. Dr Dominik Höink and is currently writing her doctoral thesis on "Religion in contemporary music theatre".

Curriculum Vitae

10/2016 - 03/2021: Musicology

Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Musicology at the University of Vienna

Extension curricula: History of Philosophy and Cultural Studies

Title of the Master's thesis: Helmut Lachenmann and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Understanding tradition in discourse

10/2012 - 07/2019: Instrumental studies

Diploma programme (Mag.) "Instrumental Studies Harp" at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna


Research Interests

Her research focuses in particular on European art music of the 20th and 21st centuries.

In her current doctoral thesis, she is working on "Religion in contemporary music theatre". Her work centres on 21st century operas in which religious narratives, texts, motifs and associations play a role. Selected works are analysed with regard to the texts and subjects used, their musical structure and the history of their reception and impact. In addition to the fundamental question of the concrete processing of religious elements, both the public and artistic discourse - led by representatives of ambitious music - will be examined with regard to the judgement of religion. The examination of both compositions and discourses will provide insights into the significance of religion in contemporary music theatre as one of the most ambitious art forms of all. It will then be examined to what extent conclusions can be drawn from the genre-related findings about contemporary music in general.


Latest Publications

Kirche und Musiktheater. Ein ambivalentes Verhältnis in Schlaglichtern

L. Adler, A. Tumat, Loccumer Pelikan. Religionspädagogisches Magazin für Schule und Gemeinde des Religionspädagogischen Instituts Loccum 4 (2023) 9–13.

Helmut Lachenmann and Karlheinz Stockhausen: String quartets between avant-garde and tradition

L. Adler, in: G. Grujić, S. Pavlović (Eds.), Vlado S. Milošević: Tradition as Inspiration. Thematic Proceedings from the 2021 Scientific Conference, Banja Luka, 2022, pp. 317–329.

Show all publications


Current Courses

  • Themenoffenes Projektseminar (Teil 2)

Additional Activities

Teaching in previous semesters:

Winter term 2023:

Summer term 2023:

Winter term 2022:

Summer termr 2022:

Teaching projects and events:

Further Information



Conference reports

  • „Symposium ‚Musik, Netzwerke, Selbstzeugnisse: Aktuelle Forschung zu Hans Werner Henze‘. Detmold/Paderborn, 19.-20.11.2022", gemeinsam verfasst mit Anna Ricke, in: Die Musikforschung Online (2022).
  • „Haydns ‚Schöpfung‘ und die Folgen, Musikwissenschaftler und Theologen befragen und deuten ein Hauptwerk Haydns. Forum Kreuzeskirche Essen, 8. und 9. Juni 2022“, in:
  • „‚Beethoven als Bearbeiter versus Beethoven-Bearbeitungen.‘ Beethoven-Studienkolleg, Beethoven-Haus Bonn, 16. bis 19. September 2019", in: Die Tonkunst 14 (2020), S. 63 f.
  • „Alte Musikquellen für die Zukunft sichern", in: Pfarrblatt Dompfarre St. Stephan 74 (2019), S. 34.



  • „Die vielfältige Klangwelt der Mandoline. Rezension von Lotte Nuria Adlers CD ‚Moasik‘“, in: ESTA Nachrichten 85 (2021), S. 76–77.
  • „Egon Wellesz – Gefeiert und (zu Unrecht) vergessen“, in: Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 71/4 (2016), S. 109.
  • „Enjott Schneider: China Meets Europe. Enjott Schneider: Metamorphosen. Orchestermusik zu Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Richard Wagner, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Robert Schumann“, in: Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 71/3 (2016), S. 103.
  • „Alexander Zemlinsky: A Ray of Light – Complete Piano Music“, in: Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 70/4 (2015), S. 117.
  • „Nachwuchs zwischen Dvořák und Schostakowitsch“, in: Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 70/3 (2015), S. 86.