Dr.rer.nat. Belma Duderija
- Office Address:
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- NW2.135
Latest Publications
Electrode Potential-Dependent Studies of Protein Adsorption on Ti6Al4V Alloy
B. Duderija, A. González-Orive, C. Ebbert, V. Neßlinger, A. Keller, G. Grundmeier, Molecules 28 (2023) 5109.
Effect of Terminal Modifications on the Adsorption and Assembly of hIAPP(20–29)
R. Hajiraissi, M. Hanke, A. Gonzalez Orive, B. Duderija, U. Hofmann, Y. Zhang, G. Grundmeier, A. Keller, ACS Omega 4 (2019) 2649–2660.
Water adsorption and capillary bridge formation on silica micro-particle layers modified with perfluorinated organosilane monolayers
I. Giner, B. Torun, Y. Han, B. Duderija, D. Meinderink, A.G. Orive, M.T. de los Arcos de Pedro, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, H.-J. Schmid, G. Grundmeier, Applied Surface Science (2019) 873–879.
Adsorption and Fibrillization of Islet Amyloid Polypeptide at Self-Assembled Monolayers Studied by QCM-D, AFM, and PM-IRRAS
R. Hajiraissi, M. Hanke, Y. Yang, B. Duderija, A. Gonzalez Orive, G. Grundmeier, A. Keller, Langmuir 34 (2018) 3517–3524.
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