Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sylvia Hubner-Benz
Contact and Affiliations
- E-Mail:
- sylvia.hubner.benz@uni-paderborn.de
- Web:
- Homepage
- Office Address:
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- Q3.322
About Sylvia Hubner-Benz
Sylvia Hubner-Benz holds the professorship of international management at Paderborn University since July 2023. After she had completed her studies at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), and her doctorate at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern (RPTU), she was a post-doc and project leader at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), a postdoctoral fellow at the National University of Singapore (NUS), and then an assistant professor of management at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (unibz).
I enjoy being inspired by researchers in other fields. I love combining different perspectives for new insights. I also enjoy discussing with practitioners not only to help them learn from research but also to better understand their situations and make sure I focus on relevant research topics.
Research Interests
Sylvia Hubner-Benz investigates international management focusing on effects of cross-cultural differences, cultural diversity, and team international dispersion, specifically their effects on entrepreneurial and innovation behaviors. Her research projects are interdisciplinary, at the intersection of international management, organizational behavior, entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership, HRM, and HCI, applying qualitative and quantitative methods, e.g., explorative interviews, observations, experiments, and surveys. Her research has been published in respected international journals, e.g., Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Personnel Psychology, Small Business Economics, and Journal of International Management.
Selected Publications
How entrepreneur’s leadership behavior and demographics shape applicant attraction to new ventures: the role of stereotypes
S. Hubner-Benz, B. Rudic, M. Baum, The International Journal of Human Resource Management 34 (2021) 2137–2172.
An Asia-centric approach to team innovation: Cultural differences in exploration and exploitation behavior
S. Hubner-Benz, M. Frese, Z. Song, N. Tripathi, T. Kaschner, X. Le Kong, Journal of Business Research 138 (2021) 408–421.
When agency “fits” regardless of gender: Perceptions of applicant fit when job and organization signal male stereotypes
R. Dutz, S. Hubner-Benz, C. Peus, Personnel Psychology 75 (2021) 441–483.
Narratives in entrepreneurial ecosystems: drivers of effectuation versus causation
S. Hubner-Benz, F. Most, J. Wirtz, C. Auer, Small Business Economics 59 (2021) 211–242.
Contagion of Entrepreneurial Passion: Effects on Employee Outcomes
S. Hubner-Benz, M. Baum, M. Frese, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 44 (2019) 1112–1140.
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My favorite task is supervising student projects and theses. I love seeing when they have an "AHA-moment" or develop interesting ideas.
Teaching Areas
The teaching activities of Sylvia Hubner-Benz cover various topics in the field of international management and entrepreneurship. She has designed and implemented courses about e.g., cultural differences, business planning, leadership, team formation, motivation, communication, and gender sensitization for various target groups (including business administration students, physics students, arts and design students, students in executive education, professors, and practitioners).
Her student teaching at Paderborn University concentrates on the core courses of the international business studies programs, i.e., “International Business” in the Bachelor and “International Management“ in the Master program.
Current Courses
- International Business
- Innovation in Intercultural Virtual Teams