Lec­ture on the top­ic "Uni­ver­sity struc­tures and cri­ti­cism of ra­cism"

Prof. Dr Katajun Aminpur, Commissioner for Criticism of Racism at the University of Cologne, will give a lecture on Tuesday 25 June at 4 pm on the topic of ‘University structures and criticism of racism’. The lecture will be held digitally in cooperation with the course taught by Matthias Philipper, Sociology at the Institute of Human Sciences at Paderborn University, and is aimed at anyone interested in taking a closer look at criticism of racism in a university context. Participation is free of charge. Further information and the link to the lecture can be found on the event page.

About the lecture

What is behind the idea of an assignment for racism criticism? What structural problems exist and how are they addressed? The lecture will outline the ways in which students feel racially discriminated against and the different forms of racism and micro-aggressions that exist. The question of whether anti-Semitism is a special form of racism or can be subsumed under racism in general will also be addressed. We will also discuss why we talk about anti-Muslim racism. ‘After all, Muslims are not a race - apart from the fact that there are no races at all,’ says Aminpur.

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