Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eugeny Kenig

Former - BELZ board member
33098 Paderborn

Miscellaneous |
Since 06/2010 |
apl Professor apl. Professor, Russische Staatliche Universität für Erdöl und Gas „I.M. Gubkin“, Moskau, Russland |
Since 07/2008 |
Universitätsprofessor W3 Professur, Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Universität Paderborn |
03/2000 - 06/2008 |
Privatdozent Privatdozent, seit 2006 apl. Professor am Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik der TU Dortmund |
11/1998 - 02/2000 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik der Universität-GH Essen |
12/1999 - 12/1999 |
Habilitation Habilitation am Fachbereich Chemietechnik, Universität Dortmund, venia legendi für das Fachgebiet „Thermische Verfahrenstechnik“, Habilitationsschrift: “Modeling of Multicomponent Mass Transfer in Separation of Fluid Mixtures” |
05/1998 - 10/1998 |
Entwicklungsingenieur Entwicklungsingenieur, BASF AG, Ludwigshafen, Abt. ZET/ FA |
01/1998 - 04/1998 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik der Universität-GH Essen |
12/1995 - 12/1997 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universität Dortmund |
01/1994 - 11/1995 |
Gastwissenschaftler Stipendiat der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung am Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik der Universität Dortmund |
09/1979 - 01/1994 |
Wssenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Russische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Neue Chemische Probleme, Moskau |
11/1985 - 11/1985 |
Promotion Promotion zum Dr.-Ing.: Wärme- und Stoffübertragung in Rektifikation und Absorption von Zwei- und Vielkomponentengemischen |
09/1974 - 06/1979 |
Studium Angewandte Mathematik, TU für Erdölchemie- und Gasindustrie, Moskau, Russland, Diplomingenieur-Mathematiker, Diplom mit Auszeichnung, |
Since 06/2010 |
apl Professor apl. Professor, Russische Staatliche Universität für Erdöl und Gas „I.M. Gubkin“, Moskau, Russland |
Since 07/2008 |
Universitätsprofessor W3 Professur, Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Universität Paderborn |
03/2000 - 06/2008 |
Privatdozent Privatdozent, seit 2006 apl. Professor am Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik der TU Dortmund |
11/1998 - 02/2000 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik der Universität-GH Essen |
12/1999 - 12/1999 |
Habilitation Habilitation am Fachbereich Chemietechnik, Universität Dortmund, venia legendi für das Fachgebiet „Thermische Verfahrenstechnik“, Habilitationsschrift: “Modeling of Multicomponent Mass Transfer in Separation of Fluid Mixtures” |
05/1998 - 10/1998 |
Entwicklungsingenieur Entwicklungsingenieur, BASF AG, Ludwigshafen, Abt. ZET/ FA |
01/1998 - 04/1998 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik der Universität-GH Essen |
12/1995 - 12/1997 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universität Dortmund |
01/1994 - 11/1995 |
Gastwissenschaftler Stipendiat der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung am Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik der Universität Dortmund |
09/1979 - 01/1994 |
Wssenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Russische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Neue Chemische Probleme, Moskau |
11/1985 - 11/1985 |
Promotion Promotion zum Dr.-Ing.: Wärme- und Stoffübertragung in Rektifikation und Absorption von Zwei- und Vielkomponentengemischen |
09/1974 - 06/1979 |
Studium Angewandte Mathematik, TU für Erdölchemie- und Gasindustrie, Moskau, Russland, Diplomingenieur-Mathematiker, Diplom mit Auszeichnung, |
- Monographs and book chapters
Tran, J.M., Piper, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Single-Phase Flow and Condensation in Pillow-Plate Condensers
In: Innovative Heat Exchangers
(Eds. H.-J.Bart & S. Scholl), London a.o.: Springer, 2018Tran, J.M., Piper, M., Kenig, E.Y. and Scholl, S.
Pillow-Plate Heat Exchangers: Fundamental Characteristics
In: Innovative Heat Exchangers
(Eds. H.-J.Bart & S. Scholl), London a.o.: Springer, 2018Tran, J.M. and Kenig, E.Y.
In: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 7th Edition, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2017Kenig, E.Y. and Blagov, S.
Modeling of Distillation Processes
In: Distillation: Fundamentals and Principles
(Eds. A. Górak & E. Sorensen), London a.o.: Elsevier, 2014.Kenig, E.Y.
A Framework for the Modeling of Reactive Separations
In: Process Systems Engineering: Vol. 7 Dynamic Process Modeling
(Eds. J. R. Banga, M. C. Georgiadis & E. N. Pistikopoulos), Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2010.Kenig, E.Y. and Górak, A.
Modeling of Reactive Distillation
In: Modeling of Process Intensification
(Ed. F. Keil), Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2007.Richter, J., Górak, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Catalytic Distillation
In: Integrated Reaction and Separation Operations. Modelling and experimental validation
(Eds. H. Schmidt-Traub & A. Górak), Berlin: Springer, 2006.Kenig, E.Y. and Górak, A.
Reactive Absorption
In: Integrated Chemical Processes
(Eds. K. Sundmacher, A. Kienle & A. Seidel-Morgenstern), Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2005.- Reviews articles
Flechsig, S., Yildirim, Ö. and Kenig, E.Y.
Sandwich packings: State of the Art
In: ChemBioEng Rev. 3, 174-185, 2016.Kenig, E.Y., Su, Y., Lautenschleger, A., Chasanis, P. and Grünewald, M.
Micro-separation of fluid systems: A state-of-the-art review
In: Separation and Purification Technology 120: 245-264, 2013.Yildirim, Ö., Kiss, A. A., Hüser, N., Leßmann, K. and Kenig, E.Y.
Reactive absorption in chemical process industry: A review on current activities
In: Chemical Engineering Journal 213: 371-391, 2012.Yildirim, Ö., Kiss, A.A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Dividing-wall columns in chemical process industry: A review on current activities
In: Separation & Purification Technology 80: 403-417, 2011.Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Termolecular kinetic model for CO2 – alkanolamine reactions: An overview
In: Chemical Engineering & Technology 33: 1577-1581, 2010.Chasanis, P., Kern, J., Grünewald, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Mikrotrenntechnik: Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 82: 215-228, 2010.Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Kinetics of carbonyl sulfide reaction with alkanolamines: A review
In: Chemical Engineering Journal 148: 207-211, 2009.Kenig, E.Y.
Advanced modeling of reactive separation units with structured packings
In: Chemical Product and Process Modeling 2: 1-30, 2007.Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
CO2 – alkanolamine reaction kinetics: A review on recent studies
In: Chemical Engineering & Technology 30: 1467-1474, 2007.Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Gas-liquid reaction kinetics: A review of determination methods
In: Chemical Engineering Communications 194: 1543-1565, 2007.- Journal articles from 2011
Bertling, R., Hack, M., Ausner, I., Horschitz, B., Bernemann, S. and Kenig, E.Y.
Modelling film and rivulet flows on microstructured surfaces using CFD methods
In: Chemical Engineering Science 251, 117414/1-117414/16, 2022.Schulz, A., Wecker, C., Inguva, V., Lopatin, A.S. and Kenig, E.Y.
A PLIC-based method for species mass transfer at free fluid interfaces
In: Chemical Engineering Science 250, 117357/1-117357/18, 2022.Wende, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Modelling and simulation of zero-gravity distillation units with metal foams
In: Chemical Engineering Science 247, 117097/1-117097/8, 2022.Flechsig, S., Sohr, J., Schubert, M., Hampel, U. and Kenig, E.Y.
A new tomography-based approach for the fluid dynamic description of conventional structured packings and sandwich packings
In: Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 171, 108530/1- 108530/16, 2022.Vocciante, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Pillow-plate heat exchangers: an overview on advances, limitations and prospects
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 88, 865-870, 2021.Bothe, M., Lutters, N. and Kenig, E.Y.
Examination of hazardous situations in industrial closed-loop processes using dynamic simulations
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 88, 703-708, 2021.Wende, M., Fischer, F. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical and experimental investigation of zero-gravity distillation units
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 88, 697-702, 2021.Janzen, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Analysis of crystallization fouling durability of novel heating elements for electric water heating
In: Heat Transfer Engineering DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2021.1963532, 2021.Bolenz, L., Ehlert, T., Dechert, C., Bertling, R. and Kenig, E.Y.
Modelling of a continuous distillation process with finite reflux ratio using the hydrodynamic analogy approach
In: Chemical Engineering Research and Design 172, 99-108, 2021.Salten, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Model based random packing optimisation for absorption processes using the hydrodynamic analogy concept
In: Chemical Engineering Science 242, 116670/1-116670/11, 2021.Grabo, M., Acar, E. and Kenig, E.Y.
Modeling and improvement of a packed bed latent heat storage filled with non-spherical encapsulated PCM-Elements
In: Renewable Energy 173, 1087-109, 2021.Salten, A., Mackowiak, J.F., Mackowiak, J.K. and Kenig, E.Y.
A new hydrodynamic analogy model for the determination of transport phenomena in random packings
In: Chemical Engineering Science 233, 116246/1-116246/14, 2021.Zibart, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical investigation of conjugate heat transfer in a pillow-plate heat exchanger
In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 165, Part B, 120567/1-120567/17, 2021.Bolenz, L., Fischer, F., Toye, D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Liquid flow morphology of viscous systems in structured packings: investigations by X-ray tomography
In: Chemical Engineering Science 229, 115997/1-115997/12, 2021.Bertling, R., Hack, M., Ausner, I., Wehrli, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
CFD simulation of film and rivulet flows on microstructured surfaces
In: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 48, Part A, Elsevier, 2020, 61-66.Inguva, V., Schulz, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
On methods to reduce spurious currents within VOF solver frameworks. Part 1: a review of the static bubble/droplet
In: Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 20200052, 2020.Fedorov, A., Frei, H., Bothe, M., Lutters, N. and Kenig, E.Y.
Entwicklung von Echtzeitmodellen für Kreislaufprozesse der chemischen Absorption
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 92, 1962-1968, 2020.Patil, M.P., Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Kinetics of carbon dioxide removal using N-acetylglucosamine
In: ACS Omega. 5, 27043-27049, 2020.Grabo, M., Staggenborg, C., Philippi, K.A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Modeling and optimization of rectangular latent heat storage elements in an air-guided heat storage system
In: Frontiers in Energy Research 8, 571787/1-571787/9, 2020.Kronberg, A., Glushenkov, M., Knoke, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
Theoretical limits on the heat regeneration degree
In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 161, 120282/1-120282/10, 2020.Braz, C.G., Lutters, N., Rocha, J., Alvim, R., Kenig, E.Y. and Matos, H.A.
Modeling and simulation of an industrial formaldehyde absorption system
In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59, 5996-6006, 2020.Olenberg, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical investigation of liquid flow morphology in structured packings
In: Chemical Engineering Science 219, 115559/1-115559/10, 2020.Bothe, M., FEdorov, A., Frei, H., Lutters, N. and Kenig, E.Y.
Untersuchung des dynamischen Prozessverhaltens bei Betriebsstörungen im Bereich der chemischen Absorption
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 92, 299-304, 2020.Knoke, T., Kronberg, A., Glushenkov, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
On the design of heat exchanger equipment for novel-type isobaric expansion engines
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 167, 114382/1-114382/11, 2020.Manavi, S.A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical simulation of forced convection in a microchannel with realistic roughness of 3D printed surface
In: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 46, Part A, Elsevier, 2019, 823-828.Bolenz, L., Fischer, F., Toye, D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Tomographische Untersuchung der Fluiddynamik viskoser Systeme in Packungskolonnen
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 91, 1892-1896, 2019.Janzen, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Analysis of crystallization fouling in electric water heating
In: Heliyon 5, e02695/1- e02695/14, 2019.Grabo, M., Weber, D., Paul, A., Klaus, T., Bermpohl, W., Krauter, S. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical investigation of the temperature distribution in PCM-integrated solar modules
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 76, 895-900, 2019.Schulz, A., Wecker, C. and Kenig, E.Y.
Methode zur Erfassung von Stofftransport an fluiden Phasengrenzflächen
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 91, 1623-1632, 2019.Hasselmann, K., aus der Wiesche, S. and Kenig, E.Y.
Optimization of piecewise conical nozzles: Theory and application
In: Journal of Fluids Engineering 141, 121202/1-121202/11, 2019.Bolenz, L., Toye, D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Liquid flow morphology of viscous systems in structured packings: investigations by X-ray tomography
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 74, 913-918, 2019.Sohr, J., Bieberle, M., George, G.R., Flechsig, S., Kenig, E.Y., Schubert, M. and Hampel, U.
Comparative assessment of different image processing methods to determine the gas–liquid interfacial area in froth regimes of sandwich packings from ultrafast X-ray tomography image data
In: Chemical Engineering Research and Design 147, 676-688, 2019.Rieks, S., Wende, M., Preußer, N., Gambaryan-Roisman, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
A hydrodynamic analogy based modelling approach for zero-gravity distillation with metal foams
In: Chemical Engineering Research and Design 147, 615-623, 2019.Arsenyeva, O.P., Piper, M., Zibart, A., Olenberg, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Investigation of heat transfer and hydraulic resistance in small-scale pillow-plate heat exchangers
In: Energy 181, 1213-1224, 2019.Große Daldrup, A., Crine, M., Marchot, P., Toye, D. and Kenig, E.Y.
An approach to separation efficiency modelling of structured packings based on X-ray tomography measurements: Application to aqueous viscous systems
In: Chemical Engineering Science 204, 310-319, 2019.Glushenkov, M., Kenig, E.Y., Kronberg, A. and Mügge, N.
Wärmegetriebene Motoren: Eine neuartige, innovative Lösung für Pumpen und Kompressoren
In: CIT plus, No. 5, 36-37, 2019.Piper, M., Zibart, A., Djakow, E., Springer, R., Homberg, W. and Kenig, E.Y.
Heat transfer enhancement in pillow-plate heat exchangers with dimpled surfaces: A numerical study
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 153, 142-146, 2019.Sohr, J., Schubert, M., Flechsig, S., Kenig, E.Y. and Hampel, U.
Experimental investigation of the froth height in columns with sandwich packings
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 91, 139-144, 2019.Flechsig, S., Borgolte, T., Utchenko, Y., Sohr, J., Schubert, M., Hampel, U. and Kenig, E.Y.
Rate-based-Modellierung von CO2-Absorptionskolonnen mit Anstaupackungen
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 91, 125-138, 2019.Arsenyeva, O.P., Tran, J.M., Piper, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
An approach for pillow plate heat exchangers design for single-phase applications
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 147, 579-591, 2019.Vocciante, M., Piper, M., Zibart, A. and Kenig E.Y.
Numerical evaluation of different turbulence models for single-phase flow in the outer pillow-plate channel
In: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 43, Part A, Elsevier, 2018, 397-402.Arsenyeva, O., Tran, J. and Kenig, E.Y.
Thermal and hydraulic performance of pillow-plate heat exchangers
In: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 43, Part A, Elsevier, 2018, 181-186Sohr, J., Schubert, M., Flechsig, S., Kenig, E.Y. and Hampel, U.
Experimental investigation of fluid dynamics in sandwich packings with ultrafast X-ray tomography
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 69, 727-732, 2018.Salten, A.H.J., Mackowiak, J.F., Mackowiak, J. and Kenig, E.Y.
A novel approach to the modelling of transport phenomena in random packings
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 69, 349-354, 2018.Rieks, S., Preußer, N., Gambaryan-Roismann, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
Zero-gravity distillation with metal foams: A modelling approach
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 69, 283-288, 2018.Flechsig, S., Sohr, J., Schubert, M., Hampel, U. and Kenig, E.Y.
Rate-based modelling of CO2 absorption with sandwich packings
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 69, 169-174, 2018.Patil, M., Vaidya, P. and Kenig, E.Y.
Bench-scale study for CO2 capture using AMP/PZ/water mixtures
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 69, 163-168, 2018.Hüser, N., Yazgi, M., Hugen, T., Rietfort, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
Experimental and numerical characterization of a new structured packing for CO2 capture
In: AIChE Journal 64, 4053-4065, 2018.Arsenyeva, O.P., Piper, M., Zibart, A., Olenberg, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Heat transfer and pressure loss in small-scale pillow-plate heat exchangers
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 70, 799-804, 2018.Olenberg, A., Raschetnik, W., Kullmer, G. and Kenig, E.Y.
Optimization of structured packings using twisted tape inserts
In: Chemical Engineering Research and Design 132, 1-8, 2018.Glushenkov, M., Kronberg, A., Knoke, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
Isobaric expansion engines: New opportunities in energy conversion for heat engines, pumps and compressors
In: Energies 11, 154 (1-22), 2018.Rieks, S. and Kenig, E.Y.
Modelling and numerical simulation of coupled transport phenomena with phase change: Mixture evaporation from a rectangular capillary
In: Chemical Engineering Science 181, 173-185, 2018.Rieks, S. and Kenig, E.Y.
Modelling and numerical simulation of coupled transport phenomena with phase change: Layer evaporation of a binary mixture
In: Chemical Engineering Science 176, 367-376, 2018.Olenberg, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical simulation of two-phase flow in representative elements of structured packings
In: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 40, Elsevier, 2017, 2089-2094.Bolte, S., Zibart, A., Henkenius, C., Böcker, J., Kenig, E.Y. and Figge, H.
Wassergekühltes On-Board-Ladegerät mit optimiertem Kühlkanal
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online 107, 381-385, 2017.Kenig, E.Y.
Optimisation of fluid process engineering by a complementary modelling approach
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 61, 1195-1200, 2017.Reinker, F., Kenig, E.Y., Passmann, M. and aus der Wiesche, S.
Closed loop organic wind tunnel (CLOWT): design, components and control system
In: Energy Procedia 129, 200-207, 2017.Tran, J.M., Linnemann, M., Piper, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
On the coupled condensation-evaporation in pillow-plate condensers: Investigation of cooling medium evaporation
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 124, 1471-1480, 2017.Piper, M., Zibart, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
New design equations for turbulent forced convection heat transfer and pressure loss in pillow-plate channels
In: International Journal of Thermal Sciences 120, 459-468, 2017.Knoke, T., Kenig, E.Y., Kronberg, A. and Glushenkov, M.
Model-based analysis of novel heat engines for low-temperature heat conversion
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 57, 499-504, 2017.Hüser. N., Schmotz, O. and Kenig, E.Y.
A comparative study of different amine-based solvents for CO2-capture using the rate-based approach
In: Chemical Engineering Science 157, 221–231, 2017.Kanawade, R.B., Vaidya, P.D., Subramanian, K., Kulkarni, V.V. and Kenig, E.Y.
Kinetics of carbon dioxide removal by n-propyl- and n-butyl-monoethanolamine in aqueous solutions
In: Energy & Fuels 30, 5077–5082, 2016.Kanawade, R.B., Vaidya, P.D., Subramanian, K., Kulkarni, V.V. and Kenig, E.Y.
On the acceleration of CO2 reaction with N-ethyldiethanolamine in aqueous solutions by the addition of promoters
In: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 55, 38-44, 2016.Piper, M., Zibart, A., Tran, J.M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical investigation of turbulent forced convection heat transfer in pillow plates
In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 94, 516-527, 2016.Reinker, F., Hasselmann, K., aus der Wiesche, S. and Kenig, E.Y.
Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics of a closed blade cascade wind tunnel for organic vapors
In: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 138, 052601/1-052601/8, 2016.Yildirim, Ö. and Kenig, E.Y.
Rate-based modelling and simulation of distillation columns with sandwich packings
In: Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 98, 147-154, 2015.Piper, M., Olenberg, A., Tran, J.M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Determination of the geometric design parameters of pillow-plate heat exchangers
In: Applied Thermal Engineering 91 1168-1175, 2015.Yildirim, Ö., Flechsig, S., Brinkmann, U. and Kenig, E.Y.
Bestimmung der Lastgrenzen konventioneller Strukturpackungen und Anstaupackungen mithilfe des Wallis-Plots
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 87 1348-1356, 2015.Engberg, R.F. and Kenig, E.Y.
An investigation of the influence of initial deformation on fluid dynamics of toluene droplets in water
In: International Journal of Multiphase Flow 76 144–157, 2015.Tran, J.M., Sommerfeld, S., Piper, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Investigation of pillow-plate condensers for the application in distillation columns
In: Chemical Engineering Research and Design 99 67-74, 2015.Lautenschleger, A., Kenig, E.Y., Voigt, A. and Sundmacher, K.
Model-based analysis of a gas/vapor-liquid microchannel membrane contactor
In: AIChE Journal 61 2240-2256, 2015.Yazgi, M., Tran, J.M., Ausner, I., Wehrli, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Absorption von CO2 mittels wässriger Natronlauge – Experimente und Simulationen mit dem Ansatz der Hydrodynamischen Analogien
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 87 571-582, 2015.Piper, M., Wecker, C., Olenberg, A., Tran, J.M. and Kenig, E.Y.
An experimental analysis of the topology and dynamics of a falling liquid film over the wavy surface of a vertical pillow plate
In: Chemical Engineering Science130 129-134, 2015.Yildirim, Ö., Flechsig, S., Brinkmann, U. and Kenig, E.Y.
Application of the Wallis plot for the determination of the loading limits of structured packings and sandwich packings
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 45, 1165-1170, 2015.Hüser, N. and Kenig, E.Y.
A comparative study of carbon capture for different power plants
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 45, 1783-1788, 2015.Atmakidis, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical analysis of residence time distribution in packed bed reactors with irregular particle arrangements
In: Chemical Product and Process Modeling 10 17-26, 2015.Bradtmöller, C., Janzen, A., Crine, M., Toye, D., Kenig, E.Y. and Scholl, S.
Influence of viscosity on liquid flow inside structured packings
In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 542803- 2815, 2015.Tran, J.M., Piper, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Experimentelle Untersuchung des konvektiven Wärmeübergangs und Druckverlustes in einphasig durchströmten Thermoblechen
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 87 226-234, 2015.Tran, J.M., Piper, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
CFD-Untersuchung der Fluiddynamik und des Wärmeübergangs bei einphasiger Strömung im welligen Spalt zwischen Thermoblechen
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 87: 226-237, 2015.Su, Y., Chen, G. and Kenig, E.Y.
An experimental study on the numbering-up of microchannels for liquid mixing
In: Lab on a Chip 15: 179-187, 2015.Lautenschleger, A., Olenberg, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
A systematic CFD-based method to investigate and optimise novel structured packings
In: Chemical Engineering Science 122: 452-464, 2015.Wolf, T., Bradtmöller, C., Scholl, S. and Kenig, E.Y.
Hydrodynamic-Analogy-Based Modeling Approach for Distillative Separation of Organic Systems with Elevated Viscosity
In: Chemical Engineering & Technology 37: 2065-2072, 2014., R.F. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical simulation of rising droplets in liquid–liquid systems: A comparison of continuous and sharp interfacial force models
In: International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 50: 16-26, 2014., A.P., Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Kinetics of carbon dioxide removal by ethylenediamine and diethylenetriamine in aqueous solutions
In: Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 92: 2021-2028, 2014.Atmakidis, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical investigations of packed bed reactors with irregular particle arrangements
In: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 33: 217-222, 2014.Hüser, N., Dubjella, P., Hugen, T., Rietfort, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
Experimentelle Untersuchung und Bewertung einer strukturierten Packung mit 75°-Neigungswinkel für die CO2-Abscheidung
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 86: 1451-1452, 2014.Piper, M., Zibart, A., Tran, J.M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerische Untersuchung der Strömungs- und Wärmeübergangscharakteristik von Thermoblechen
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 86: 1619-1620, 2014.Hüser, N. and Kenig, E.Y.
A new absorption-desorption pilot plant for CO2-capture
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 39: 1417-1422, 2014.Engberg, R.F., Wegener, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
The influence of Marangoni convection on fluid dynamics of oscillating single rising droplets
In: Chemical Engineering Science 117: 114-124, 2014., R.F., Wegener, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
The impact of Marangoni convection on fluid dynamics and mass transfer at deformable single rising droplets - A numerical study
In: Chemical Engineering Science 116: 208-222, 2014., M., Olenberg., A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Complementary modelling of CO2 capture by reactive absorption
In: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 33: 1243-1248, 2014.Piper, M., Olenberg, A., Tran, J.M., Goedecke, R., Scholl, S. and Kenig, E.Y.
Bestimmung charakteristischer Geometrieparameter von Thermoblech-Wärmeübertragern
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 86: 1214-1222, 2014.Brinkmann, U., Janzen, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Hydrodynamic analogy approach for modelling reactive absorption
In: Chemical Engineering Journal 250: 342-353, 2014.Engberg, R.F., Wegener, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerische Simulation der konzentrationsinduzierten Marangoni-Konvektion an Einzeltropfen mit verformbarer Phasengrenze
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 86: 185-195, 2014.Su, Y., Lautenschleger, A., Chen, G., and Kenig, E.Y.
A numerical study on liquid mixing in multichannel micromixers
In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53: 390-401, 2014.Yazgi, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Hydrodynamic-analogy-based modelling of CO2 capture by aqueous monoethanolamine
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 35: 349-354, 2013.Wolf, T., Bradtmöller, C., Janzen, A., Scholl, S. and Kenig, E.Y.
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung des Trennverhaltens viskoser organischer Systeme in Packungskolonnen
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85: 1404, 2013.Engberg, R.F. and Kenig, E.Y.
Marangonikonvektion an Einzeltropfen - eine numerische Untersuchung zu Fluiddynamik und Stofftransport
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85: 1389, 2013.Piper, M., Tran, J.M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Untersuchung von Druckverlust und Wärmeübergang der einphasigen Strömung im welligen Kanal zwischen Thermoblechen
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85: 1455-1456, 2013.Tran, J.M., Piper, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Experimentelle Untersuchung von Wärmeübergang und Druckverlust bei der Kondensation in einem Thermoblechapparat
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85: 1456, 2013.Janzen, A., Steube, J., Aferka, S., Kenig, E.Y., Crine, M., Marchot, P. and Toye, D.
Investigation of fliquid flow morphology inside a structured packing using X-ray tomography
In: Chemical Engineering Science 102: 451-460, 2013.Sutar, P. N., Vaidya, P. D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Activated DEEA solutions for CO2 capture - A study of equilibrium and kinetic characteristics
In: Chemícal Engineering Science 82: 234-241, 2013.Eiswirth, R. T., Bart, H.-J., Atmakidis, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung des Tropfenaufstiegs
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85: 944-954, 2013.Janzen, A., Schubert, M., Barthel, F., Hampel, U. and Kenig, E.Y.
Investigation of dynamic liquid distribution and hold-up in structured packings using ultrafast electron beam X-ray tomography
In: Chemical Engineering and Processing 66: 20–26, 2013.Sutar, P.N., Vaidya. P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Secondary amines for CO2 capture: A kinetic investigation using N-ethylmonoethanolamine
In: Chemical Engineering Journal 207-208: 718-724, 2012.Eiswirth, R.E., Bart, H.-J., Ganguli, A.A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Experimental and numerical investigation of binary coalescence: Liquid bridge building and internal flow fields
In: Physics of Fluids 24: 062108, 2012.Atmakidis, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical analysis of mass transfer in packed-bed reactors with irregular particle arrangements
In: Chemical Engineering Science 81: 77-83, 2012.Steube, J., Lautenschleger, A., Piper, M., Böe, D., Weimer, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
CFD-based optimisation of spiral wound heat exchanger geometry
In: Chemical Engineering Transactions 29: 1429-1434, 2012.Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Untersuchung der CO2-Absorptionskinetik in wässrigen Lösungen von N,N-Diethylethanolanmin und N-Ethylethanolamin
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 84: 475–483, 2012.Patil, G.N., Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Reaction kinetics of CO2 in aqueous methyl- and dimethyl-monoethanolamine solutions
In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51: 1592–1600, 2012.Brinkmann, U., Kaibel, B., Jödecke, M., Mackowiak, J. and Kenig, E.Y.
Beschreibung der Fluiddynamik von Anstaupackungen
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 84: 36–45, 2012.Chasanis, P., Kehrmann, K.M., Kern, J., Zecirovic, R., Grünewald, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Investigation of a microstructured high efficiency contactor
In: Chemical Engineering and Processing 50: 1244-1251, 2011.Eiswirth, R.T., Bart, H-J., Atmakidis, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
Experimental and numerical investigation of a free rising droplet
In: Chemical Engineering and Processing 50: 718-727, 2011.Kenig, E.Y.
Prozessbezogene Energieeffizienz
In: ForschungsForum Paderborn 14: 12-17, 2011.Bindwal, A.B., Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E. Y.
Kinetics of carbon dioxide removal by aqueous diamines
In: Chemical Engineering Journal 169: 144-150, 2011.Kenig, E.Y.
Komplementäre Modellierung in der Fluidverfahrenstechnik
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 83: 443-455, 2011Kenig, E.Y. and Ganguli, A.
A CFD-based approach to the interfacial mass transfer at free gas–liquid interfaces
In: Chemical Engineering Science 66: 3301-3308, 2011.Lautenschleger, A., Chasanis, P. and Kenig, E.Y.
Modellierung und Simulation eines Mikrofallfilmabsorbers
In: Chemie Ingeneur Technik 83: 1074-1083, 2011.Kenig, E.Y., Ganguli, A., Atmakidis, T. and Chasanis, P.
A novel method to capture mass transfer phenomena at free fluid-fluid interfaces
In: Chemical Engineering and Processing 50: 68-76, 2011.Müller, I., Brinkmann, U. and Kenig, E.Y.
Modeling of transport phenomena in two-phase film-flow systems: application to monolith reactors
In: Chemical Engineering Communications 198: 629-651, 2011.Müller, I. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerische Untersuchungen der reaktiven Trennwandkolonne am Beispiel der Methylacetat-Hydrolyse
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 82: 2109-2118, 2010.Vaidya, P.D., Konduru, P.B., Vaidyanathan, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Kinetics of carbon dioxide removal by aqueous alkaline amino acid salts
In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49: 11067-11072, 2010.Atmakidis, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
A study on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability using two different computational fluid dynamics methods
In: Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows 2: 33-45, 2010.Eiswirth, R.T., Bart, H.-J., Ganguli, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Binäre Tropfenkoaleszenz: Wirkung von internen Strömungen und Stofftransport
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 81: 1357, 2010.Kenig, E.Y. and Shilkin, A.
Anwendungsspezifisches Design von Strukturpackungen
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 82: 1365, 2010.Chasanis, P., Brass, M. and Kenig, E.Y.
Investigation of multicomponent mass transfer in liquid–liquid extraction systems at microscale
In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53: 3758-3763, 2010.Konduru, P.B., Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Kinetics of removal of carbon dioxide by aqueous solutions of N,N-diethylethanolamine and piperazine
In: Environmental Science & Technology 44: 2138–2143, 2010.Brinkmann, U., Schildhauer, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
Hydrodynamic analogy approach for modelling of reactive stripping with structured catalyst supports
In: Chemical Engineering Science 65: 298-303, 2010.Chasanis, P., Lautenschleger, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Numerical investigation of carbon dioxide absorption in a falling-film micro-contactor
In: Chemical Engineering Science 65: 1125-1133, 2010.Hüpen, B. and Kenig, E.Y.
Rigorous modelling and simulation of an absorption-stripping loop for the removal of acid gases
In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49: 772-779, 2010.Kenig, E.Y
Modeling fluid separation processes using a complementary approach
In: Chemical Product and Process Modeling 4: 1-20, 2009.Atmakidis, T. and Kenig, E.Y.
CFD-based analysis of the wall effect on the pressure drop in packed beds with moderate tube/particle diameter ratios in the laminar flow regime
In: Chemical Engineering Journal 155: 404-410, 2009.Kenig, E.Y. and Seferlis, P.
Modeling reactive absorption
In: Chemical Engineering Progress 105: 65-71, 2009.Kortmann, H., Chasanis, P., Blank, L.M., Franzke, J., Kenig, E.Y. and Schmid, A.
The Envirostat - a new bioreactor concept
In: Lab on a Chip 9: 576-585, 2009.Mackowiak, J.F., Górak, A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Modelling of combined direct-contact condensation and reactive absorption in packed columns
In: Chemical Engineering Journal 146: 362-369, 2009.Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
A study on CO2 absorption kinetics by aqueous solutions of N,N-diethylethanolamine and N-ethylethanolamine
In: Chemical Engineering & Technology 32: 556-563, 2009.Kenig, E.Y., Shilkin, A. and Atmakidis, T.
Comments on “Simulations of chemical absorption in pilot-scale and industrial-scale packed columns by computational mass transfer” by Liu et al.
In: Chemical Engineering Science 63: 4239-4240, 2008.Kenig, E.Y., Shilkin, A. and Atmakidis, T.
Comments to the authors’ response to the Comments on “Simulations of chemical absorption in pilot-scale and industrial-scale packed columns by computational mass transfer” by Liu et al.
In: Chemical Engineering Science 63: 4243, 2008.Kenig, E.Y.
Complementary modelling of fluid separation processes
In: Chemical Engineering Research and Design 86: 1059-1072, 2008.Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Acceleration of CO2 reaction with N,N-diethylethanolamine in aqueous solutions by piperazine
In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 47: 34-38, 2008.Kenig, E.Y. and Grossmann, C.
Trennwandkolonnen - Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven
In: CIT-Plus 5: 38 - 41, 2007.Müller, I. and Kenig, E.Y.
Reactive distillation in a dividing wall column: Rate-based modeling and simulation
In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 46: 3709 - 3719, 2007.Müller, I., Pech, C., Bhatia, D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Rate-based analysis of reactive distillation sequences with different degrees of integration
In: Chemical Engineering Science 62: 7327-7335, 2007.Müller, I., Schildhauer, T.J., Madrane, A., Kapteijn, F., Moulijn, J.A. and Kenig, E.Y.
Experimental and theoretical study of reactive stripping in monolith reactors
In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 46: 4149 - 4157, 2007.Vaidya, P.D. and Kenig, E.Y.
Absorption of CO2 into aqueous blends of alkanolamines prepared from renewable resources
In: Chemical Engineering Science 62: 7344-7350, 2007.Burghoff, S. and Kenig, E.Y.
A CFD Model for mass transfer and interfacial phenomena on single droplets
In: AIChE Journal 52: 4071 - 4078, 2006.Penciu, O.-M., Müller, I., Kenig, E. and Gavrilescu, M.
Investigation of cost and energy demands in ternary distillation systems using rate-based approach
In: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 5: 383-390, 2006.
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