Prof. Dr. Heike M. Buhl

Prof. Dr. Heike M. Buhl

Pädagogische Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie


Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 318

Member - Professor - Project Leader A01, A04

Key research area Transformation and Education

Professor - Member of Board

Key research area Transformation and Education - Board


+49 5251 60-2897
Office hours:

Mi, 13-14h, Präsenz oder ZOOM. Ich bitte um Voranmeldung!

Außer von Studierenden des Unterrichtsfaches Psychologie kann ich bis incl. WiSe 2025/26 leider keine weiteren Abschlussarbeiten annehmen.

Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Research Interests
  • Learning: learning environments, tutoring settings
  • Family: family relationships, family as an educational context, home-school cooperation
  • Teacher education: competencies, digitalization
  • Perspective-taking: communication, reading literacy, mental representations, partner model
  • Quality management
Prof. Dr. Heike M. Buhl
Education and Academic Career
Since 09/2010

Professor (W2) of Educational and Developmental Psychology with Gender Studies, Paderborn University

02/1997 - 08/2010

Research Associate (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) then Research Assistant (Wissenschaftliche Assistentin, C1), Educational Psychology, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena

04/2009 - 09/2009

Deputy Professor (W3) of Developmental Psychology, Kassel University

10/2007 - 09/2008

Deputy Professor (W3) of General and Instructional Psychology, Erfurt University


Habilitation at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, topic of the habilitation thesis "Die Beziehung zwischen Erwachsenen und ihren Eltern. Individuation und biographische Übergänge", Venia legendi for psychology

Thema der Habilitationsschrift "Die Beziehung zwischen Erwachsenen und ihren Eltern. Individuation und biographische Übergänge", Venia legendi für Psychologie

05/1999 - 03/2006

Parental leave

07/1992 - 12/1996

Postdoctoral Research Associate, CRC 245 "Language and Situation (Sprache und Situation)", Mannheim University

Project "Partnerbezogene Raumreferenz" (Head: Prof. Dr. Theo Herrmann)

Project "Die interaktive Produktion von Äußerungen in Konfliktgesprächen zwischen Müttern und jugendlichen Töchtern" (Head: Prof. Dr. Manfred Hofer)


Doctorate in psychology at Mannheim University, dissertation topic: "Zur Blickpunktbezogenheit sprachlicher Lokalisationen: Der Genese-Effekt"

Thema der Dissertation: "Zur Blickpunktbezogenheit sprachlicher Lokalisationen: Der Genese-Effekt"

10/1986 - 06/1992

Studies of psychology (diploma), University of Göttingen and Mannheim University

1991 - 1992

Student Assistant, CRC 245 "Language and Situation (Sprache und Situation)", Mannheim University

Project "Partnerbezogene Raumreferenz" (Head: Prof. Dr. Theo Herrmann)

Scientific Engagement
Engagement in Scientific Organisations
Since 2023

Spokeswomen of the Department of Psychology, Paderborn University

Since 10/2021

Board Member of the Center of Gender Studies, Paderborn University

Since 2013

Member of the Professional Network "Educational Sciences" for the Practical Semester in Teacher Trainings Studies, Paderborn University

Since 10/2011

Project "LehramtsNavi"

Self-Assessment for Teacher Students

2018 - 30.09.2024

Chairwoman of the PhD Committee, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Paderborn University (Member since 2015)

2018 - 31.07.2024

Board Member of the Center of Gender Studies, Paderborn University

10/2013 - 10/2015

Management Writing Center/ Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben - Paderborn University

2013 - 2015

Member of the Faculty Board, Faculty Arts and Humanities

2012 - 2015

Spokeswomen of the Department of Psychology, Paderborn University

2012 - 2015

Board Member of the Center of Gender Studies, Paderborn University

2005 - 2007

Member of the Institutional Board of the Institute of Psychology, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena


Member of the Executive Board of the CRC "Language and Situation", Universities Heidelberg/Mannheim

Editorial Boards and Editorship
Since 2010

Reviewer DFG, SNF, DAAD, Alexaner von Humboldt-Stiftung

Since 2000

Reviewer for numerous international and national journals

Membership in Scientific Societies
Since 2015

Member of Gesellschaft für Empirsche Bildungsforschung (GEBF)

Since 2003

Member of the European Association for Research on Adolescence

Since 1993

Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)

Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychologie

Since 2023

Spokeswomen of the Department of Psychology, Paderborn University

Engagement in Scientific Organisations
Since 10/2021

Board Member of the Center of Gender Studies, Paderborn University

Engagement in Scientific Organisations
Since 2015

Member of Gesellschaft für Empirsche Bildungsforschung (GEBF)

Membership in Scientific Societies
Since 2013

Member of the Professional Network "Educational Sciences" for the Practical Semester in Teacher Trainings Studies, Paderborn University

Engagement in Scientific Organisations
Since 10/2011

Project "LehramtsNavi"

Self-Assessment for Teacher Students

Engagement in Scientific Organisations
Since 09/2010

Professor (W2) of Educational and Developmental Psychology with Gender Studies, Paderborn University

Education and Academic Career
Since 2010

Reviewer DFG, SNF, DAAD, Alexaner von Humboldt-Stiftung

Editorial Boards and Editorship
Since 2003

Member of the European Association for Research on Adolescence

Membership in Scientific Societies
Since 2000

Reviewer for numerous international and national journals

Editorial Boards and Editorship
Since 1993

Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)

Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychologie

Membership in Scientific Societies
2018 - 30.09.2024

Chairwoman of the PhD Committee, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Paderborn University (Member since 2015)

Engagement in Scientific Organisations
2018 - 31.07.2024

Board Member of the Center of Gender Studies, Paderborn University

Engagement in Scientific Organisations
10/2013 - 10/2015

Management Writing Center/ Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben - Paderborn University

Engagement in Scientific Organisations
2013 - 2015

Member of the Faculty Board, Faculty Arts and Humanities

Engagement in Scientific Organisations
2012 - 2015

Spokeswomen of the Department of Psychology, Paderborn University

Engagement in Scientific Organisations
2012 - 2015

Board Member of the Center of Gender Studies, Paderborn University

Engagement in Scientific Organisations
02/1997 - 08/2010

Research Associate (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) then Research Assistant (Wissenschaftliche Assistentin, C1), Educational Psychology, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena

Education and Academic Career
04/2009 - 09/2009

Deputy Professor (W3) of Developmental Psychology, Kassel University

Education and Academic Career
10/2007 - 09/2008

Deputy Professor (W3) of General and Instructional Psychology, Erfurt University

Education and Academic Career

Habilitation at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, topic of the habilitation thesis "Die Beziehung zwischen Erwachsenen und ihren Eltern. Individuation und biographische Übergänge", Venia legendi for psychology

Thema der Habilitationsschrift "Die Beziehung zwischen Erwachsenen und ihren Eltern. Individuation und biographische Übergänge", Venia legendi für Psychologie

Education and Academic Career
2005 - 2007

Member of the Institutional Board of the Institute of Psychology, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena

Engagement in Scientific Organisations
05/1999 - 03/2006

Parental leave

Education and Academic Career
07/1992 - 12/1996

Postdoctoral Research Associate, CRC 245 "Language and Situation (Sprache und Situation)", Mannheim University

Project "Partnerbezogene Raumreferenz" (Head: Prof. Dr. Theo Herrmann)

Project "Die interaktive Produktion von Äußerungen in Konfliktgesprächen zwischen Müttern und jugendlichen Töchtern" (Head: Prof. Dr. Manfred Hofer)

Education and Academic Career

Member of the Executive Board of the CRC "Language and Situation", Universities Heidelberg/Mannheim

Engagement in Scientific Organisations

Doctorate in psychology at Mannheim University, dissertation topic: "Zur Blickpunktbezogenheit sprachlicher Lokalisationen: Der Genese-Effekt"

Thema der Dissertation: "Zur Blickpunktbezogenheit sprachlicher Lokalisationen: Der Genese-Effekt"

Education and Academic Career
10/1986 - 06/1992

Studies of psychology (diploma), University of Göttingen and Mannheim University

Education and Academic Career
1991 - 1992

Student Assistant, CRC 245 "Language and Situation (Sprache und Situation)", Mannheim University

Project "Partnerbezogene Raumreferenz" (Head: Prof. Dr. Theo Herrmann)

Education and Academic Career


Latest Publications

Was motiviert CoP-Mitglieder? Motivationale Bedingungsfaktoren für die Mitarbeit in Communities of Practice in der Lehrkräftebildung

A. Raneck-Kuhlmann, J. Niemann, H.M. Buhl, B. Eickelmann, K. Drossel, in: B. Herzig, B. Eickelmann, F. Schwabl, J. Schulze, J. Niemann (Eds.), Lehrkräftebildung in der digitalen Welt – zukunftsorientierte Forschungs- und Praxisperspektiven, Waxmann Verlag GmbH, Münster, n.d.

Determinanten und Typen phasenübergreifenden Transfers in Communities of Practice der Lehrkräftebildung

J. Niemann, A. Raneck-Kuhlmann, B. Eickelmann, K. Drossel, H.M. Buhl, in: B. Herzig, B. Eickelmann, F. Schwabl, J. Schulze, J. Niemann (Eds.), Lehrkräftebildung in der digitalen Welt – zukunftsorientierte Forschungs- und Praxisperspektiven, Waxmann Verlag GmbH, Münster, n.d.

Förderung der Selbstreflexion und Weiterentwicklungsorientierung durch reflexionsorientierte Workshops im Lehramtsstudium

S.M. Kleine, S. Sohlau, A. Seifert, H.M. Buhl, Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung - Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung und Diskussion 7 (2024).

A mixed‐methods study of the quality of parental support during adolescents' information‐related Internet use as a co‐construction process

R. Kurock, J. Teichert, D.M. Meister, L. Gerhardts, H.M. Buhl, S. Bonanati, Journal of Adolescence 96 (2024) 566–579.

Children’s Information-Related Internet Use at Home: The Role of the Quantity and Quality of Parental Support and Children’s Motivation

N. Gruchel, R. Kurock, S. Bonanati, H.M. Buhl, Journal of Research in Childhood Education (2024).

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