Mobility and Transport
Here you will find information about how to get around in Paderborn and in Germany.
Getting to Paderborn University
Paderborn can be reached via the A33 motorway. Take the exit "Paderborn Zentrum" and then follow the signs to "Universität" along the B64.
Further information and a map of the University of Paderborn can be found here.
The nearest airport is Paderborn-Lippstadt (PAD). It is located 20 km from Paderborn and the city of Paderborn can be reached by bus (Line S60) within 20 minutes. On weekends you can also take the night express NE 16. Alternatively, you can book an on-demand airport shuttle (PAD shuttle) via an app, which picks you up at the airport and takes you to your desired address or picks you up from your desired address and takes you to the airport.
Further information and flight schedules can be found here.
You can also fly to Dortmund aiport (1h by train), Münster/Osnabrück airport (1.5h by train), Düsseldorf airport (2h by train), Hannover airport (2h by train) or Frankfurt airport (3 by train).
Paderborn’s main station is a stop for IC trains, which connect Paderborn with the national long-distance hubs of Kassel and Hamm. There are various regional and local trains.
From Paderborn main train station you can take any of the following buses to the university:
- Line 4 direction "Dahl"
- Line 9 direction "Kaukenberg"
- Line 68 direction "Schöne Aussicht"
- Line "UNI" (during the semester)
You do not have to change buses but can directly go to the stops „Uni/Südring“ or „Uni/Schöne Aussicht“.
If you want to go to "Fürstenallee/Zukunftsmeile", you can take bus number 11.
Further Information and schedules can be found here (in German).
Information about the connections via train can be found on the website of the „Deutsche Bahn“.
Getting around in Paderborn and the surrounding area
In Paderborn, there is a well-developed city bus network, operated by „PaderSprinter“, the local bus company.
You can get information on tickets and fares as well as on all offers and services provided by „PaderSprinter“ at the customer centre („Fahrgast-Infolokal“) at Kamp 41 and at the „Mobithek“, which is located next to the main train station.
Usually, you can also buy tickets in the bus or online. Please note that some tickets must be validated („entwertet“) after the purchase (there are specific machines for this purpose. Please ask the bus driver if you are not sure whether your ticket must be validated or not). If you regularly use public transport, it is usually cheaper to buy multiple trips, monthly or annual tickets.
In so-called "Hochstift" area, i.e. in the districts of Paderborn and Höxter, the Paderborn-Höxter public transport network (nph) and its partners are responsible for the local public transport. On the website "fahr mit" and at the "Mobithek", the customer centre at the main station, you will find information about timetables, fares and tickets.
(Unfortunately, the websites are only available in German)
The bicycle is a very popular means of transport in Paderborn. Often, there is a separate bicycle lane on the road. While the use of a bicycle helmet is voluntary, a functioning light and a bell are mandatory. A good bicycle lock is also recommended to protect the bicycle from theft. You can find a lot of helpful information about cycling in Germany here and here.
If you would like to buy a bike, it is often worth taking a look online.
Paderborn also has a number of bicycle rental companies.
For people who also like to explore the area by bike during their free time, the region (the link's content is only available in German) and Germany offer many great cycle paths.
In Germany, taxis usually wait at taxi stands, for example at Paderborn main station, or you call a taxi company or book a taxi via an app. It is not common practice to wave down taxis on the street. In addition to a basic price (approx. 2.70 euros during the day, 2.90 euros at night) you have to pay per kilometre (approx. 1.70 euros during the day, 1.80 euros at night).
In Paderborn, there are several providers where you can rent a car. You can also rent a car for a short time only, for example for a larger purchase at the supermarket or to transport smaller items. Further information can be found here.
Getting around in Germany
In so-called "Hochstift" area, i.e. in the districts of Paderborn and Höxter, the Paderborn-Höxter public transport network (nph) and its partners are responsible for the local public transport. On their website "fahr mit" and at the "Mobithek", the customer centre at the main station, you will find information about timetables, fares and tickets.
From the main station, you can also take the train to a variety of German cities. Information on tickets and timetables can be found here.
Tickets can be purchased online, at the ticket machines in the station or at the ticket counter. It is often cheaper to buy your tickets some time in advance. You can also get discounts with a „BahnCard“. With some special offers, such as the "Schöner-Tag-Ticket" or the "Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket" (regional day tickets), you can travel cheaply on local trains through North Rhine-Westphalia or even all over Germany.
Long-distance coaches are a cheap alternative to rail. You can check whether there is a long-distance coach to your desired destination here (in German only).
Another way to get around is by using carsharing. Drivers offer free places in their car and passengers usually contribute to the costs with a pre-determined amount. You can find various car-sharing agencies online.