Organizing Courses
Course Catalogue
All of the current and past courses offered at the University of Paderborn can be found in the campus management system PAUL.
Information for instructors (user manual, FAQs on general topics and on test and grading administration) can be found on PAUL’s information pages.
Your course will be entered into PAUL by the course administrator belonging to your faculty. An overview can be found here.
Online Course Platform
You can have the university’s IMT create online courses for your class in PANDA or koaLA (obsolete). PANDA is built on the basis of the open-source learning platform Moodle, which has been tailored to and optimized for the University of Paderborn in the form of PANDA.
Exams and Grading
Questions dealing with exams and grading should be addressed to the corresponding registrar’s office of your faculty. For questions outside of their jurisdiction or more general questions, the Central Examination Office (Zentrale Prüfungssekretariat, ZPS) will be happy to assist. The ZPS supports the individual registrars’ offices in carrying out their administrative duties for exams and grading, works on their behalf, and at that same time sees itself as a service provider for both students and examiners.