Fund­able place­ments

Students are generally required to organise a suitable placement independently.  The International Office does not offer a placement service.

The following organisations are some examples of suitable placement providers:

  • Public companies and private small, medium-sized or large companies (including non-profit or social enterprises)
  • Local, regional or national public-sector authorities
  • Social partners or other labour market organisations (e.g. chambers of commerce, trade associations, professional associations and unions)
  • Research institutions
  • Foundations
  • Schools/institutes/educational organisations (pre-school through to secondary education II, and professional and adult education centres)
  • Non-profit organisations, associations, non-governmental organisations
  • Professional development, career advice and information services

Placements at the following are not eligible for an Erasmus+ grant:

  • EU institutions
  • Institutions responsible for the administration of EU programmes
  • Diplomatic missions and national representatives of the home country/departure country of the grant recipient (e.g. German embassies)

Nicht gefördert werden können Praktika bei:

  • EU-Institutionen
  • Institutionen, die EU-Programme verwalten
  • diplomatische nationale Vertretungen des Heimat-/Herkunftslandes der Geförderten (z.B. Deutsche Botschaften)