
Welcome in Paderborn!

At this point we would like to give you quick access to frequently requested topics concerning your stay at Paderborn University.

The orientation for new students will take place for the summer term 2025 from 31 March to  04 April, 2025. The lecture period is going to start from April 7.Please note the information on the webpage of the "Zentrale Studienberatung" (lit. Central Study Counselling Service).

For the preparation of your enrollment and arrival in Paderborn, please read the admission letter and the other information materials, which we have been sending to you, carefully. 

Buddy Program of ASV

The ASV (Foreign Students Representation) is offering a buddy program to new international students. You will need to sign up by e-mail. For more information watch here: https://groups.uni-paderborn.de/asv/care-projects/

Orientation for everyone:

Recording: Preparational Webmeeting "Getting Started!" from 30 January 2025 (for summer term 2025)
Topics: Visa Issues; Enrolment;Health Insurance; Housing; Working and more

Watch recording under the following link:

International Office: Questions and Answers after Arrival ( for winter term 2024/25)
Webmeeting (Adobe Connect) Friday, October 4, 10:00am - 11:00am (UTC /GMT +2)

Welcome and information event from ASV (Foreign Students Union)

Orientation for International Master's Students:

Faculty for Electrical Engineering, Informatics and Mathematics (EIM)
(Master's Courses of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Systems Engineering)

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics 
International Economics and Management

Faculty of Science:

Applied Neurosciences in Sports and Exercise

Welcome meeting of the department: October 1,  9-10:30am at SP2 0 121

Material Science


Optoelectronics and Photonics (Orientation in cooperation with faculty EIM)

Faculty of Arts and Humanities:

English and American Literary and Cultural Studies


General Information:

How to create an uni-account and a PAUL-account 
After the enrolment is completed, you will receive an initial password from the IMT and the uni-account and the PAUL account can be created then. For the account creation, please download this PDF-manual and follow the instructions accordingly. Extended information can be found on the webpages if the IMT: https://imt.uni-paderborn.de/en/uni-account . The Notebook Cafe in building I0 offers personal advise regarding uni-account related issues.

How to register for courses
Universität Paderborn  -  Course registration periods (uni-paderborn.de)
NOTE: New students can only register during the 2nd course registration period.


PAUL Introduction (1/6): First Steps In PAUL: https://youtu.be/fXu5YvtNql0

PAUL Introduction (2/6): Module Registration: https://youtu.be/N_3arzVXPOc

PAUL Introduction (3/6): Course Registration: https://youtu.be/U0jVRcSBHgE

PAUL Introduction (4/6): Exam Registration: https://youtu.be/R778JA4Zp8w

PAUL Introduction (5/6): Deregistration Exam & Course Achievement: https://youtu.be/kgYBUgRl2pg

PAUL Introduction (6/6): Deregistration Module & Course: https://youtu.be/2-V3lX5xYbk

Online Learning Plattform PANDA
Homepage: https://panda.uni-paderborn.de/?lang=en
Video-Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW6UCJVKagg&feature=emb_logo

Entry Visa
The University has no possibility to speed up the processing of the visa application in the embassies. We would like to point out that, although enrolment is already possible without a visa, you have to be present in Paderborn for your studies! Please note also that an existing enrollment at a German university does not improve your chances of obtaining a study visa. For the visa application your notice of admission is sufficient.

The student residences are managed by the Studierendenwerk Paderborn. Here you can find the application form for accommodation. We would like to point out here that the International Office has no influence on the allocation of places of residence and does not arrange places of residence itself. Further information on finding accommodation can be found here!

Health Insurance
In order to enroll, the university requires a certificate from a statutory health insurance company stating that you either have sufficient insurance coverage or that you are not a subject to compulsory health insurance (Befreiungsbescheinigung). For more detailed information please check our webpages at the section about finances and insurance.