Contact and Affiliations

Office Address:
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Office hours:

nach vorheriger Anmeldung per Email bei Christiane Borghoff (empwifo(at)mail.upb(dot)de) unter Angabe des Anliegens.

Office Address:
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Office hours:

nach vorheriger Anmeldung per Email bei Christiane Borghoff (empwifo(at)mail.upb(dot)de) unter Angabe des Anliegens.


Selected Publications

Understanding cognitive decline in older ages: The role of health shocks

V. Schiele, H. Schmitz, European Economic Review 151 (2023).

Late-Career Unemployment and Cognitive Abilities

D. Freise, H. Schmitz, M. Westphal, Journal of Health Economics 86 (2022).

Marginal College Wage Premium under Selection into Employment

M. Westphal, D.A. Kamhöfer, H. Schmitz, Economic Journal 132 (2022) 2231–2272.

Heterogeneity in Marginal Non-Monetary Returns to Higher Education

D.A. Kamhöfer, H. Schmitz, M. Westphal, Journal of the European Economic Association 17 (2019) 205–244.

Does price framing affect the consumer price sensitivity of health plan choice?

H. Schmitz, N.R. Ziebarth, Journal of Human Resources, 52(1), 88-127 (2017).

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Current Courses

  • Seminar Statistik und empirische Wirtschaftsforschung
  • Seminar Microeconometrics
  • Microeconometrics - Übung
  • Microeconometrics
  • Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics II
  • Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics