Latest Publications
Detecting Security-Relevant Methods using Multi-label Machine Learning
O. Johnson, G. Piskachev, R. Krishnamurthy, E. Bodden, in: Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering, IDE Workshop, 2024.
Can the configuration of static analyses make resolving security vulnerabilities more effective? - A user study
G. Piskachev, M. Becker, E. Bodden, Empirical Software Engineering 28 (2023).
Model Generation For Java Frameworks
L. Luo, G. Piskachev, R. Krishnamurthy, J. Dolby, M. Schäf, E. Bodden, in: IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2023.
Fluently specifying taint-flow queries with fluentTQL
G. Piskachev, J. Späth, I. Budde, E. Bodden, Empirical Software Engineering 27 (2022) 1–33.
To what extent can we analyze Kotlin programs using existing Java taint analysis tools?
R. Krishnamurthy, G. Piskachev, E. Bodden, (2022).
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