OWL theme days: Suc­cess­fully com­plet­ing your stud­ies des­pite doubts

Campus OWL universities offer digital theme days

The four state universities in OWL - Bielefeld University, Paderborn University, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences - are organising two theme days on 14 and 15 May via the Campus OWL university network with a focus on ‘Successfully completing your studies despite doubts’. All interested students are cordially invited to attend short presentations to find out what they can do if they have doubts, where they should start and who they can turn to.

In addition to basic strategies for dealing with doubts about studying, the thematically diverse programmes provide help with motivation problems and impulses, for example for difficulties in time and self-management. There is also a programme on the topic of financing your studies. ‘It is not uncommon for unclear career prospects to be the reason why studies stagnate,’ says Katrin Wöltje, a counsellor at Bielefeld University's Career Service. A short workshop on the TalentKompass NRW and a short presentation on career orientation are intended to provide an initial insight into how to assess one's own position and develop career prospects.

It is important to the counsellors at the universities to convey that there are specialised contact points and support services for students with doubts about their studies and that no one has to remain alone with their doubts.

All events can be attended separately, are digital and free of charge. Registration is not required. The access links can be found on the homepages on the day of the event at the latest, as well as information on which universities are also broadcasting the events in seminar rooms.

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