Teach­ing Day 2024: "Break­ing down bar­ri­ers, en­abling ac­cess"

Location: Paderborn University

Teaching Day at Paderborn University will take place for the twelfth time in 2024. On Tuesday, June 25, starting at 10 a.m., lecturers from all faculties will exchange ideas with each other and with students and seek new impulses for teaching. This year's guiding theme is "Breaking down barriers, enabling access - accessibility, diversity and variety as an opportunity for innovative teaching".

Interdisciplinary exchange in round tables will provide an opportunity to discuss subject-specific and cross-faculty approaches and challenges and to reflect on potentials and challenges. A university didactic "DisQspace", workshops and a themed forum will also be dedicated to the various aspects of accessibility as well as the presentation of student-oriented and innovative teaching. 

Further information on the program and registration options can be found on the Teaching Day 2024 website.

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