
The "International Tuesdays" have offered all members of UPB the opportunity to network and exchange ideas.

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"ZeKK live" - 45 minutes with Prof. Dr Dor­is Weßels

In the "ZeKK live" event format organised by the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) at Paderborn University, professorial ZeKK members interview guests from public life on issues relating to religion and society.

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Pader­born For­eign Lan­guage Day

For many years, the Paderborn Foreign Language Day has been an established part of the Paderborn training programme for teachers. This year, the popular event will once again offer around 30 training courses on current topics and issues relating to modern foreign language teaching in English, French and Spanish.

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5th An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the Crit­ic­al Com­mu­nic­a­tion Stud­ies Net­work

This year's conference aims to encourage a new and critical examination of solidarity in and through media and communication studies.

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Plan. Par­ti­cip­ate. Build. Mov­ing - An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the dvs Com­mis­sion Sport and Space

The sports sociology working group at Paderborn University is looking forward to welcoming guests from various academic disciplines: planning, architecture and urban development, municipal sports development and other related professional groups.

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Book present­a­tion in hon­our of Lud­wig Huber

A book presentation on the newly published volume "Wissenschaftsdidaktik als kritische Kommunikationsanalyse" will take place at Paderborn University on Monday, 23 September

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13th So­ci­ology of Con­ven­tions Work­shop

The 13th Sociology of Conventions Workshop will take place at Paderborn University from 26 to 27 September

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"ZeKK live" - 45 minutes with Prof Dr Dina El-Omari

In the "ZeKK live" event format organised by the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) at Paderborn University, professorial ZeKK members interview guests from public life on issues relating to religion and society.

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Gradu­ate round table of the Fac­ulty of Arts and Hu­man­it­ies

All interested (post-)doctoral students are cordially invited

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"ZeKK live" - 45 minutes with Prof. Dr Klaus von Stosch

In the "ZeKK live" event format organised by the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) at Paderborn University, professorial ZeKK members interview guests from public life on issues relating to religion and society.

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Di­dactics con­fer­ence "Against anti-demo­crat­ic pop­u­lism"

On Saturday, 9 November, the "Didactics of Philosophy" working group at Paderborn University, together with the Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie (AIPPh) and the Philosophisch-Politische Akademie e. V., is organising a hybrid conference on the topic of "Against anti-democratic populism".

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Work­shop "Child pro­tec­tion, child en­dan­ger­ment and child wel­fare" - Part 1

The workshop is aimed at student teachers, trainee teachers and teachers and addresses key issues relating to child protection, child endangerment and child welfare. The event will take place on 20 and 24 January in the afternoon and has a limited number of participants.

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Work­shop "Child pro­tec­tion, child en­dan­ger­ment and child wel­fare" - Part 2

The workshop is aimed at student teachers, trainee teachers and teachers and addresses key issues relating to child protection, child endangerment and child welfare. The event will take place on 20 and 24 January in the afternoon and has a limited number of participants.

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Sus­tain­able - Di­git­al - Equit­able. Fu­ture scen­ari­os of work, edu­ca­tion and ca­reers: 23rd Uni­ver­sity Days "Vo­ca­tion­al Edu­ca­tion" 2025

Under the title: "Sustainable - Digital - Equitable. Future scenarios for work, education and careers", experts in vocational education and training will be discussing research findings and approaches to current topics in vocational education and training at Paderborn University from 17 to 19 March 2025.

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An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the Ger­man So­ci­ety for Health Eco­nom­ics (dg­gö)

The 17th Annual Conference of the German Society for Health Economics (dggö), organised by Prof. Dr. Hendrik Schmitz, will take place on 24 and 25 March 2025 under the theme "Ageing and Health".

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