Win­ners of the European Re­search Coun­cil Grant

Internationally, the ERC grant is considered the highest award for top-level research in the European Union. Funding from the European Research Council supports groundbreaking and visionary projects by outstanding scientists in the field of basic research. The ERC is one of the pillars of "Horizon Europe", the European Framework Program for Research and Innovation.

Further information on funding by ERC

ERC Starting Grant

2022 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tim Bartley, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics

2022 Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics

2018 Prof. Dr. Tibor Jager, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, Department of Computer Science (today: Bergische Universität Wuppertal)

2016 Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühne, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry

ERC Consolidator Grants

2016 Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christine Silberhorn, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics

2016 ­­Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics