More news from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Im­pres­sions of the AStA Sum­mer Fest­iv­al 2024

Rock, pop, indie, German rap or techno: numerous musicians, including Badmómsjay, Tream and Cascada, created an exuberant atmosphere at the AStA Summer Festival yesterday, 6 June

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"Jour­ney in­to the (sports) world of the deaf": Ref­er­ee Ri­cardo Sch­euer­er as a guest at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Cheering fans, shrill whistles and sometimes horrific bellowing: that's what makes the atmosphere in football stadiums - and he can't hear any of it: Ricardo Scheuerer is a deaf referee who referees football matches for hearing people in the German national league.

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Stu­dents dom­in­ate mara­thon in Salzkot­ten, East West­phalia

Top marks at the German University Championships

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Eye-catch­er no. 51: Drag queen Yon­cé Banks, Licht­blick art­house cinema, forest bathing, in­ter­view with in­die band Kitsches

New Blickfang episode is online

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Paderborn University was awarded the DHV seal of approval for fair and transparent appointment negotiations by the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) on 1 June.

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Hol­ist­ic En­ergy Trans­ition in In­dustry: Pader­born Part­ners Present Concept at "Woche der Um­welt" in Ber­lin

There are many aspects to the energy transition in industry: Energy consumption must be reduced, processes must be electrified and demand must be met with green electricity and hydrogen. Integrated energy systems are the key to this.

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The em­per­or's new clothes: last ex­hib­i­tion at Klep­pArt

Many years ago, the looms of the seamstresses in Paderborn's Kleppergasse rattled. The sound also gave Paderborn University's KleppArt its name, which will open its doors for the last time on 12 June at 6 pm for an exhibition.

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At the end of May, 19 professors took part in the ‘Emeriti Meeting’, the reunion of retired UPB professors, to learn about new projects and current topics at the university and to exchange ideas with former colleagues.

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IT solu­tions for product de­vel­op­ment: con­sor­ti­um de­vel­ops mod­el-based im­pact ana­lyses to eval­u­ate tech­nic­al changes

Impact analyses make dependencies visible at an early stage with the help of innovative IT solutions, allowing companies to act instead of react.

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AI in edu­ca­tion: In­ter­view on In­ter­na­tion­al Chil­dren's Day

1 June is International Children's Day. To mark the occasion, Prof Dr Katharina Rohlfing, spokesperson for the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 318 at Paderborn University and Bielefeld University, will be speaking about artificial intelligence (AI) in children's and young adult literature.

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Pader­born IT Se­cur­ity Day 2024: Speak­ers wanted

Call for Lec­tu­res & Work­shops

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The AStA Summer Festival will take place on 1 June. As usual, the festival will entail temporary closures of some car parks, shortened lecture times and the restricted use of some buildings

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Sup­port stu­dents in the pre­par­a­tion of sci­entif­ic pa­pers

‘#myfirstresearchpaper’ project launched in April

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Hall of Fame: Dr Yvonne Groen­ing in­duc­ted as an alumna of the Fac­ulty of Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion and Eco­nom­ics

Dr Yvonne Groening, Managing Partner of myconsult GmbH and Managing Director of myndsoft GmbH, was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics as a successful founder and entrepreneur.

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New uni­ver­sity sports pro­gramme with pro­fes­sion­al fa­cil­it­ies

The attractiveness of Paderborn's sports campus is also reflected in the CHE ranking

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